News and Updates

September 1, 2014

David Copeland · September 1, 2014
Newsletter · Volume: 14 Issue: 9

As I write this month’s newsletter, I am sitting in the Maasai Vocational Training in Kilgoris Kenya listening to some of the most anointed teaching I have ever heard! God handpicked each instructor for this team to lift our Kenya Pastors Training to a new level. Thank you to Pastors Brad Morgan, Charles Kalkomey, Edith Carlin, Jack Chancey, and Shawn Collier for taking part in our August Kenya Outreach. And as always, thank you to every partner who made this Kenya outreach an anointed success.

For the last year I have been writing, preaching and teaching almost everywhere I go on 2014 being the Year of the Open Door…with Narrow Openings. As we approach the end of our calendar year as well as the beginning of the new Hebraic year 5775, I want to go back to highlight some important points the Spirit is speaking that I sense we must apply to our lives that will be required in the coming season:

1.The Year of the Open Door With Narrow Openings is calling us to examine our relationships. Especially those contentious, adversarial relationships that are sapping the life out of us and hindering our forward progress in God.

Some people will be in your life and ministry as long as you live and minister. Some will only be in your life for a season. Others will move in and out of your life and ministry as you need the gift in them and they need the gift in you.

Ask yourself: are the people currently in my life and ministry essential for my next season in God?

2.The Year of the Open Door With Narrow Openings is calling us to release the alignments that have completed their purpose and allow Him to connect us with those ministry and business alignments that are needed in the next season.

We have entered the season in which denominational loyalty, network loyalty and even church building loyalty is not as important as Kingdom loyalty. Please DO NOT misunderstand: I am not bashing denominations or church structures! I appreciate how God has used them to bring the Body of Christ to where it is now! God is also teaching us to honor the past while we embrace the future.
God is looking for men and women who are willing to cross-pollinate with other networks and ministries to make each local church (or denominational group) a more whole part of the Body of Christ.

Ask yourself: Am I aligned and connected with the group God wants to use to make me a better person, or minister of the Gospel? Don’t take the territorial mindset that you, your church or ministry is the River (the only ministry God is moving through)...when in reality you are only a stream.

3.The Year of the Open Door with Narrow Openings is calling us to re-examine our priorities. God is calling all of us to LEAVE a sin-centered life and enter into a God-Centered life. But in order to do that, you will pass through a self-centered life!

Selfishness has become the main focus of the 21st Century. Make ME happy is the cry of many today! While God DOES bless us and make us happy, He will NEVER violate or contradict His Word to do it.
It has been said; the only reason people fail is broken focus. The many distractions of this present season are intending to distract you from your priorities. Jesus and His will first; others second, you last.

Ask yourself: am I more focused on my needs being met? Or am I truly focused on Jesus being made famous and others needs met before my own? Am I completely focused on God’s Kingdom being established on this earth like it is in heaven? Or am I attempting to build my own name and fame?

Don’t allow the devil to convince us to hold on to relationships, alignments and priorities that will hinder us from stepping into this next season of grace He has scheduled for our lives.

Many Blessings,
David & Pam