News and Updates

September 1, 2013

David Copeland · September 1, 2013
Newsletter · Volume: 13 Issue: 9

Thank you for your prayers and support of our August Kenya Outreach!

One hundred pastors and leaders participated in eight days of teaching, preaching, and Holy Spirit impartation last month in Kilgoris Kenya. Attendees came from as far away as Marsabit in Northern Kenya and Mombasa along the SE coast. In December we will be giving certificates to all pastors who have attended the last three years of training.

While in Kenya we were approached by the General Secretary of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Kenya asking us to raise the level of training even higher by offering a degree program. We will be working with Evangel Christian University of America, Monroe, Louisiana to provide the necessary covering and curriculum for students who desire to apply what they learn at the vocational level toward an advanced degree. I never dreamed I would be planting a Bible Training Center, much less a Bible College. You never know the fullness of the plans God has for you!

Many of you know we had originally scheduled a crusade and conference in Lodwar Northern Kenya in mid-August, but due to a fire at Nairobi Airport, my arrival flight was delayed by four days, thus stopping me from being able to be in Lodwar in person. Our partner and friend Pastor Jackson Mongaine from Kilgoris traveled to Lodwar in my behalf and conducted the crusade and conference in which over 5,000 people attended for three days and saw over 150 people make first time commitments to Jesus! Many others rededicated their lives to Christ and many testified of the healing power of God touching them.

Without a doubt we are living in times of great difficulty. Wars and rumors of wars. Fighting and great discontent in every nation of the world. Reminds me of what Jesus said in Matthew 24. But I also want to remind you He said when you see all these things come to pass, look up…this is still the greatest time in history to be alive!

Pam and I have before us some of the greatest opportunities to advance the Gospel we have had in 35 years of ministry. Literally every day, we receive another invitation to another country asking us…some begging us…to please come alongside to help them.

While in Kenya, I was visited by another overseer of 250 churches in NW Kenya and Eastern Uganda. As we shared some coffee & tea together and talked about the possibility of Revival Now coming to his area for a crusade and conference, he looked at me very sternly and said “Pastor David, I am not asking you to give me money; I need you to come help our pastors!” I wanted to pack my bags and leave right then.

Thank you to all the friends and partners of Revival Now Ministries for making these outreaches happen. Your faithful, continuous giving is helping us to reach the unreached in Kenya, Nicaragua and across the United States. You are helping us give young (and old) pastors and leaders necessary tools to effectively reach their areas with the Gospel. We cannot do what we do without your help.

Heaven is a little brighter with new souls today because of the seed you have sown in us!

All For The Gospel!
David & Pam