News and Updates

September 1, 2010

David Copeland · September 1, 2010
Newsletter · Volume: 10 Issue: 9

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and supported our August Kenya Outreach. Your seed helped us reach into some very remote areas of Kenya East Africa where the doors of opportunity for have opened even wider.

We conducted out second session of the Maasai Vocational Training Center in Kilgoris where forty-six pastors from twenty-five different denominational groups gathered for two weeks of studies on the Authority of the Believer, Acts, New Testament 1 and 2.

The Power of the Holy Spirit hovered over each class session; several times the Spirit began to move and touch these men and women of God who have such a hunger for greater knowledge as well as a greater impartation of the Spirit.

From August 12-15 Missionary Evangelist Ken Haley and myself traveled to Lodwar Turkanna, in the northern part of Kenya, one of the driest places I have ever been to on earth. Turkanna seems to be even drier than the deserts of Arizona. And it was hot. The temperature hovered between 103-106 every day we were there with no air conditioning and very little breeze.

But the fruit is over 500 people gave their lives to Jesus in the crusades, over 100 pastors and leaders were encouraged and strengthened; and on the Sunday night of the revival meeting, over 80 people were baptized in the Holy Spirit. At one point there were so many people lying on the floor under the power of God it looked like a bomb had gone off!

The fourth week of our outreach saw us shuttling between to two different towns, Nairobi and Narok, where we participated in two different Maasai Conventions that were being held simultaneously. Something very powerful and distinct shifted on Thursday.  In the Nairobi conference the Power of the conviction of the Holy Spirit fell so strong (outside in the middle of a field I might add) over 800 people came running, yes, running to the altar. There was such a hunger and desperation to touch God with prayer the sound of intercession sounded like the roar of a freight train.

Friday night the same thing happened back in Narok; Saturday again over 800 people came running, flooding the altar with a cry for heaven to come down and Glory filled people’s soul in Nairobi! Sunday hundreds others were touched and filled with the Holy Spirit as the conferences closed out.

I have seen with my own eyes what a hunger and thirst for righteousness will do to you and for you. In the ten years now Pam and I have been traveling and ministering to pastors and their wives, I have never seen this much hunger in pastors’ hearts. Kenya recently voted a new constitution into place that will give muslims greater control over the court system by establishing their own Khadi courts. They say these will be used to settle domestic disputes between muslims, but what it does it entrenches islam’s hold into the affairs of the country. But the pastors I talked with are not discouraged. They know this will only force the church in Kenya to pray with fervency and a desperation that will open the windows of heaven over the land.

There are many different streams of the Holy Spirit that are moving around the world today. No two churches and no two evangelistic ministries are going to look the same or be the same. That’s God’s plan. He has chosen some very foolish things to confound the wise. I feel like I may be one of those foolish things!

But whom He calls He qualifies! I’m grateful He has chosen and qualified us to be a part of this last outpouring on planet earth!

And thank you to all our friends and partners who have poured into us through prayer and finances to help us reach not only Kenya, but to also help us spread the message of repentance, restoration and revival across the United States!

I am grateful revival has broken out again in the Mobile/Pensacola area at the Church of His Presence. But it has also broken out in Austin Texas, Kansas City Missouri, parts of California, and even some pockets in the New England states.

Our hope is NOT in a man, a denomination or a political party. Our hope is a confident expectation based on solid certainty, the same work Jesus began in us will continue to the day of the Lord Jesus. This move of the Spirit is not intended to make one group or one church or one city popular or rich; it’s to cover the earth with His Glory like the waters cover the sea!

Thank you for believing in us and for helping us respond to the Macedonian cry of the nations to come over and help us. Because of you and the Power of God, it’s working!

We also have a couple of projects going on in Kenya some of you may want to be a part of.  One is the completion of a sewage system for the Maasai Christian Academic Center in Kilgoris that will place flush toilets in both the girls and the boys’ dormitories. The second is the purchase of a piece of property next to the school that will be the home of a new convention type facility that will host revivals conferences and conventions for the region. The School project is $4,000.00 US and the property between $5,000.00 - $10,000.00 US. This will buy the property and begin the first phase of the project. All gifts to Revival Now Ministries in any amount are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for your support of Revival Now Ministries.