News and Updates
October 1, 2018
David Copeland · October 1, 2018
Newsletter · Volume: 18 Issue: 10
Every September as I return from our Summer Kenya outreaches, I always begin asking Father God about the upcoming Fall & Winter season as well as the coming New Year.
Last weekend as we were driving to Tennessee for a weekend revival meeting, Holy Spirit whispered to me as I was praying around this thought and said, “I want to birth in you a new identity!”
The Jewish New Year of 5779 coincides with our upcoming New Year of 2019. As I always state, I am not superstitious, nor am I trying to be a numerologist, nor am I crossing over into witchcraft. But we cannot deny the truth that every number in Scripture carries a powerful prophetic meaning of something God desires to do in and for His people.
We know the number 5 in Scripture signals the number of grace. I am currently reading again through the Book of Romans in my devotional time, and I am once again captured by the power of God’s grace that works with faith. Truly, everything we have in life is by grace, through faith, not of works so no one can boast.
The number 7 in Scripture is the number of completion. There are things that will continue to end in our lives and ministries, not because they are evil, not because they have become old and mundane, it’s only because the season for those ministries, relationships and activities has ended for us.
The number 9 in Scripture signals a new birth. While the Word of God declares His mercies are fresh and new each day, at specific seasons, God desires to birth fresh revelation, fresh understanding and fresh anointing to further move us forward in our assignments on the earth as well as moving us closer to His coming. Everything Holy Spirit does in our lives in intended to bring us to a great maturity in God and closer to His coming to the earth as well.
But birthing a new identity? Isn’t our identity “in Christ”? Absolutely! But how many believers in Jesus truly understand their identity as being in Christ? Sadly, it has taken me over 40 years of living for Jesus to gain an adequate understanding of my sonship and the place of Godly works in the lives of true believers.
Because I cannot go in depth in this forum, let me be specific on what I am sensing God is calling for in the coming year:
1.He wants to give us a greater understanding of servanthood. John 13 is the classic example of Jesus modeling true servanthood. I grew up in a church that believed that if you took part in the Lord’s Supper, you should also observe washing each other feet as well. I know that is hard for many to wrap their head around, but I am convinced it would do many people good and would release a lot of offense that is currently in your life if you would bend down and wash someone else’s feet!
In Bible times, many walked barefooted or wore sandals when they walked a great distance. Contrary to what younger people believe, Nike and Under Armour were not available for Jesus and His disciples. So, after a long day of walking, as a good host in someone’s home, someone was designated to make available a pan of water, a towel and someone who would clean the debris (and I mean that in the most literally sense of the word) off guests’ feet. When no one of the disciples volunteered to be the “feet washer” on the last night of Jesus’ life, He quickly took the role of the servant and did it for them. In doing so, He set for us the example of how we must prefer our brother or sister greater and more important than ourselves.
2.He wants us to gain a greater understanding of sincerity. Many years ago, I was preaching a revival in North Alabama and at the end of the week, the pastor addressed the congregation and said, “…all I can tell you about David Copeland is, he is very sincere…” While at the time, I had wanted him to say I was anointed or that I was one of the most powerful preachers he ever listened to; but all he said was I was “sincere.” At the time it kind of offended me; because my identity at that period in my life was completely centered around my preaching. Now I take it as one of the highest compliments I could have ever received in my life. I do NOT want to have any pretense when it comes to serving Jesus and declaring His Word. I sincerely want to please Him in everything I do!
3.He wants us to gain a greater understanding of softness. How to be gentle with people. Even when you don’t agree with them. You don’t have to be Captain Obvious to know, we need some softness in our world. Not a feminine, male dominating softness, but a softness that will be firm with truth…in love.
Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support.
David & Pam