News and Updates
May 1, 2023
David Copeland · May 1, 2023
Newsletter · Volume: 23 Issue: 5
As we enter the month of May, we are filled with joy and anticipation for the blessings that God has in store for us in the coming days. Spring is in full bloom, and the beauty of creation reminds us of God’s faithfulness and love for us. It’s also hard to believe we are now in the fifth month of 2023.
In April, we were thrilled to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus, the most important event in the Christian calendar. It is always a time of great rejoicing as we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who conquered sin and death and offered us eternal life. Pam and I had the opportunity to worship with our youngest daughter & her family at Rise Church in Chattanooga, Tennessee. They have not officially launched the church yet, but so many asked for a Resurrection Service that they decided to have a get-together. And God did NOT disappoint any who attended!
After the Resurrection Day Celebration, I was excited to lead a team to both Kilgoris & Narok, Kenya, where we held the April sessions of the Revival Now Schools of Ministry.
During our time in Kenya, we had the opportunity to minister to local pastors and leaders through Revival Now Schools of Ministry, providing training, equipping, and encouragement to help them further their ministry efforts. Over 225 people attended the two schools in Kilgoris and Narok, and no one left disappointed. I continue to be inspired by their passion for God’s word and dedication to serving their communities despite facing many challenges. Due to financial constraints, we decided late last year to close the Malava School.
While in Kilgoris, we received an email from the Kenya Educational Department stating we have been temporarily approved to expand our training of leaders with their blessing. In the days to come, our Schools of Ministry will be named Revival Now Technical Institute. We have been praying for two years for a way in which we could help our orphans at Hope Centre gain the skills needed for adulthood when the time comes for them to graduate and leave home. This designation and name change will allow us to continue training pastors and leaders, but also provide us with the covering to teach and train our youth with vocational skills they will need in the outside world. THIS IS A GREAT ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS!
We also had the privilege of visiting the Hope Centre Children’s Home, a ministry that provides care and support to orphaned and vulnerable children in the region. It was heartwarming to see the love and care given to these precious children and to witness their joy and resilience despite their circumstances. We continue to be deeply moved by the impact this ministry is having in providing a safe and nurturing environment for these children to not just survive but thrive.
Every time we travel to Kenya, it serves as a powerful reminder of the global body of Christ and the importance of reaching out to our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world. I am often challenged by people accusing us of wasting valuable time, energy, and resources when our own country is in such need. Friends, Revival Now is ALSO doing our part to reach our own country for Jesus in these challenging times. Nothing we do under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is wasting time, energy, or resources.
Pam and I want to express our gratitude to our Revival Now International partners for their support through prayers, financial contributions, and encouragement, which made this, and every other mission outreach possible. As long as we have breath and funding, we continue traveling and ministering to the people of Kenya and are committed to supporting the ongoing work of Revival Now Schools of Ministry and the Hope Centre Children’s Home.
Revival Now International will continue being a missional, apostolic outreach, reaching out to those in need locally and globally, and being the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.
May God bless you, our faithful friends & partners, as we continue to spread His love and share the Gospel with all people, near and far.
Mungu Ahubariki!
(God bless you all in Swahili)