News and Updates

May 1, 2018

David Copeland · May 1, 2018
Newsletter · Volume: 18 Issue: 5

By the time you receive this newsletter we will have arrived back home from a tremendously successful month of ministry in Kenya. I want to thank Cheri Stowers and Tim Williams for traveling with us and special thanks to Bishop Charles Henderson who joined us in Kilgoris toward the end of the month.

Our trip began in Kitale, Kenya with Apostle John Sang and the local pastors fellowship there to hold a weekend pastors & leaders conference. Over 200 pastors & leaders gathered for two special days of teaching and impartation. By Sunday the area was on fire with the power of God. Many gave their lives to Jesus and many others were touched with the power of God, receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism.

On April 9th we began the Malava School of Ministry hosted at Musungu PEFA Church outside Malava. Each session build upon each other and by the end of the week, there were over 750 pastors & leaders from around the region gathered and the hunger for God and His Word was indescribable. Bishop Elly Taliti and the pastors fellowship have been very proactive in gathering leaders for these School of Ministry sessions. And God is honoring their labor with a fresh impartation and unity!

One of the highlights of the week in Malava came on Sunday April 15 as we traveled to the village of Shivanga north of Malava and met with the pastors fellowship there. We met with Pastor Luke Soita and the Africa Israel Ninevah Church, a group of churches who trace their roots back to be of the lost tribes of Israel. They have never fellowshipped with any other group nor have they ever participated in any type of School of Ministry. Since we have been going to Malava they have taken part in every conference and School of Ministry we have held since 2016. This is a major breakthrough for this part of Africa.

Another highlight of the week came on Friday when a brother stood and testified how he and his churches used to worship the mountain. Not the God of the mountain, the mountain. Since they began attending the School of Ministry, they have renounced the idol worshipping, committed their lives to Jesus Christ and are fulling serving the One True God! To God be the Glory!!!!

This is why we do what we do.

April 18-21, Cheri Stowers led the Kilgoris Women’s Conference as over 130 women from all across the region gathered for three powerful days of ministry. Cheri did a wonderful job (they allowed Tim & I to speak as well) and all the ladies were greatly impacted by the Power of God! Many were healed of various ailments and filled with the Holy Spirit.

On Sunday April 22 I was honored to go back to Lolgorian AG Church. We were their 3 ½ years ago to dedicate their new church building and the church is still on fire for Jesus. So many responded to the altar time as God challenged them to arise and break through the barriers in their lives, I could barely pray for all of them. It’s very exciting to see these rural churches we have ministered in, which many people on the outside don’t even know exist, they are growing and flourishing in the Lord.

This week we are wrapping up our ministry time in Kilgoris at the Kilgoris School of Ministry. 53 students (over 40 who are brand new) have gathered for a week of instruction. Again, the Presence of the Lord has grown in each session and as I write this newsletter the atmosphere is so electric that the students have just broken into spontaneous praise. The way they are praising God, we may not get to teach any more today. It makes me cry to think that God is allowing Pam and I to be in the Kingdom for such a time as this.

Partners, thank you for believing in us and supporting our outreaches to the rural areas of the world. Many will thank you in heaven for giving to the Lord on their behalf. Your labor & giving to Revival Now is not in vain in the Lord!

2018 Revival Now Summer Conference
July 20-22, 2018
Restoration House
1501 Lee Rd 155
Opelika, Alabama

As always we will have special guests from Kenya, a report from our 2018 Hope Centre Children’s Home outreach team, and a full update on our activities around the world.

Plan some vacation time and join us for this year’s Summer Conference!