News and Updates

May 1, 2016

David Copeland · May 1, 2016
Newsletter · Volume: 16 Issue: 5

Thank you to all the partners, churches and friends of Revival Now International for making our April 2016 Kenya outreach a tremendous success!

April 14-17 we held our first outreach to Pastors & Leaders in Malava Western Kenya. The meeting was hosted by Bishop Elly Taliti of the Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa. Bishop Elly gathered pastors & leaders from over twenty different denominational groups across the region. Over 550 pastors & church leaders came together during these four days of powerful anointing and teaching. The response during the altar times was so overwhelming, I spent most of my time sobbing over the spiritual hunger I sensed in people and how God was answering that hunger. God gave us such unity during these meetings we had several groups in attendance who normally do not affiliate with any other church group. God seemed to touch them the most! Many were filled or re-filled with the Holy Spirit, and everyone who attended was greatly encouraged.

The cry for further training & leadership was so strong during and after the meeting, we have decided to test the possibility of planting a Revival Now School of Ministry there in Malava. August 10-13 we will hold a “mini” School of Ministry to gage the interest for training and see where we need to go moving forward. We would appreciate your prayers for this meeting in August.

April 21,22 Revival Now sponsored the AEGA Pastors & Leaders Conference in Kisii, a town about 50 kilometers north of Kilgoris. Once again, the sessions had great attendance and the hunger for a fresh touch from God prevailed throughout the two days of meetings. Almost 150 pastors & leaders from around the area attended both days as we continued to minister on Understanding Our Jubilee and Our Assignment.

Then April 25-29 Pastor Brad Morgan and I taught the April session of the Kilgoris School of Ministry. Last December we passed out Certificates to 80 students, forty of them who had completed the entire course of training. I had prepared myself for a drop in attendance due to that fact, but God overwhelmed us with 114 students in attendance. More than half of these were new students registering for the first time.

The Kilgoris School of Ministry saw leaders come from all across Kenya, as well as Tanzania & Uganda. In September we will be sending a team from Kenya across to Esoit Sambu Tanzania to begin the first School of Ministry there.

Combining all the meetings we held together (including the Sunday services and other meetings not mentioned) God helped us to speak to almost 1,000 pastors and leaders during the last twenty days of ministry in Kenya. Someone asked me about a recent prophecy that was given about there being an open portal over Kenya & Tanzania right now. I believe it. This definitely a season to “strike the iron while it is hot” in East Africa. I know I sound like a broken record, but God continues to amaze me with the outpouring of His grace and love for this season of mine & Pam’s life.

I give God ALL THE GLORY AND PRAISE for touching people and using this ministry to feed rural leaders around the world. I’m still not sure why He chose us to do this. But I’m glad I was able to say yes and not dumb enough to say no!

One of the hidden blessings of our Kenya ministry is the Noah’s Boat Children’s Home (also known as Nyaisero Orphanage). I had the opportunity to visit Pastor Esther and the kids twice to carry food and to share the vision with some other US friends that were visiting southwest Kenya for the first time. Please continue to to pray and believe with us for the funds to start and complete this much needed home for these orphans. They did not ask to be dropped in this condition or even in this place. James 1:27 still says “ Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”
We will return to East Africa June 7th for our second outreach to Esiot Sambu Tanzania. Evangelist Ikem Grigsby from Pearl River Louisiana will join me for those meetings. Then June 14-19 we will sponsor the 5th Annual Kilgoris Fire Conference & Crusade. We also have a team of people coming in June that will visit and minister to the Noah’s Boat Children’s Home (Nyaisero Orphanage).

We need your help to continue to fulfill our part of the Great Commission. Revival Now International serves and ministers to people, pastors & leaders, regardless of their denominational affiliation. The major focus of our outreaches both in the US and around the world is to pastors & churches in rural areas. The people on the back rows of our world are just as important as those on the front rows. $50 will sponsor one pastor/leader to attend either the Tanzania meeting or the upcoming Kilgoris Conference & Crusade.

Thank you to everyone who stand with us financially on a regular basis. I am praying consistently that what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. On behalf of rural pastors across the United States, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and other nations of the world, thank you for being obedient to all God has led you to do. And thank you for believing in our call to the nations.