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March 1, 2011

David Copeland · March 1, 2011
Newsletter · Volume: 11 Issue: 3

Psalms 133

1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
      For brethren to dwell together in unity! 
2 It is like the precious oil upon the head,
      Running down on the beard,
      The beard of Aaron,
      Running down on the edge of his garments.
3 It is like the dew of Hermon,
      Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
      For there the LORD commanded the blessing—
      Life forevermore. (New King James Version)

As I was recently preparing to minister in a church in Tennessee, the subject of Unity kept coming up into my heart.

I love to preach on unity! I know this sounds unspiritual, but sometimes I deliberately preach on unity or bring the subject up in a message simply because I know how important it is in civilization as well as in the House of God.

All of us have been somewhat captured (and concerned) about the recent events in the Middle East that has seen the overthrow of regemes that have held power, some of them for thirty years. These overthrow of strong tyrannical governments only happened because of an on purpose unity among the people of those nations.

While unity is only mentioned three times in Scripture, it carries some powerful truths for us to incorporate into our lives and ministries.

Psalms 133 describes the unity of the brethren. The writer declares in this Psalm that unity is good and it is pleasant. Who in their right minds wants to continually live in a home with arguing and fighting? While every family has tense moments of disagreement, your heart and life was not created to constantly endure drama and contention; it was made for the peace of God to rule in. (Colossians 3:15)

Solomon, the writer of Psalms 133 also compared unity to the anointing oil that Aaron was anointed with as he was set into the office of the High Priest. It is believed when Aaron was anointed with oil by Moses, that a flask of oil containing almost 5 U.S. gallons was poured upon Aaron’s head.

Aaron was saturated with the anointing oil! Unity brings what I call a saturation anointing! Satan hates unity in a home, in a marriage, in a nation and in a church because he knows a saturation anointing will come on unity. In other words the Holy Spirit will make you so slick, you will be able to slip out of satan’s grasp every time.

Aaron had so much oil on him, that everywhere he went he left a residue of that anointing oil. Aaron’s presence created a sweet aroma in the atmosphere. Everything he picked up, that oil would rub off on it. Everywhere Aaron walked, drops of anointing oil would leave a trail behind him. Everywhere he sat, he left an imprint of that anointing oil.

This unity I’m talking about is not some ecumenical compromised unity that says, we can all just believe what we want to believe and sit in a circle and sing Kumbaya; the unity I am talking about is us coming into agreement, first with God and HIS WORD; then coming into agreement with each other, that we will walk according to God’s plan and agenda, not ours.

Lastly, Solomon says unity brings a commanded blessing. Think about it; when God commands something, it’s not open for debate. The world can’t stop it. Satan can’t stop it. He may hinder it or delay it, but our unity with God’s word, then our unity with each other, brings a commanded blessing into our lives satan cannot stop.

There is one prayer Jesus prayed when He was on the earth that has not yet been answered. It’s His High Priestly prayer found in John 17:11,21,22,23 in which He cried out to His Father, Lord, let them be one even as we are one.

My friends, Jesus is not coming for a fractured, splintered, divided church; He’s coming for a Church that is spotless, and is walking in unity, in spite of the denominational tag they hang outside their doors on Sunday.

I think Paul described it this way: let brotherly love continue. Heb 13:1

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