News and Updates

Kenya Ministry Trip Update

David Copeland · September 1, 2008
Newsletter · Volume: 8 Issue: 9

WOW! Where do I begin? The Pastors Conference in Kilgoris was a Grand Slam! Approximately 40 pastors and their wives came together (along with other friends of the community) for three days of teaching preaching and worship. We were also honored to be able to help carry 60 Dakes Study Bibles one of our partners purchased and donated to the pastors for their personal study. Needless to say they were thrilled to receive such a precious gift as the Word of God!

We met at the Masai Christian Academy in Kilgoris where a water drilling team from Serve International Ministries in Sabatia came and drilled a new water well for the school. I’m glad to report the well is dug and the children of the school and the people of the area are going to enjoy the benefits of clean drinking water!

From there we traveled to a town in Eastern Kenya named Sultan-Hamud. There we participated in a Masai Conference sponsored by IMU, the International Ministers Unity. It was such a blessing to Dave Johnson and I to see 200 pastors from 39 different denominations and a total of 5,000 people come together in the open air to worship God and to teach and preach the Word. Friday night many responded to the altar call for healing and many reported receiving their miracle. Saturday we ministered on “Whose Altar Are You Bowing To?” Our friend David Memusi told me over 800 people responded to the altar call, renouncing and tearing down altars they had built to false gods and praying for rain to fall and the power of the Holy Ghost to fill the Masai land!

Sunday morning we woke up to rain falling at the hotel we were staying at! This comes during the dry season for Kenya as it is very rare that it rains this time of the year! The Masai pastors that were traveling with us were very excited as they recognized it was a sign of the blessings of God falling on their area!

Sunday after nearly three hours of speeches by different pastors. We ministered and conducted an anointing service. Most people of other countries (especially third world countries) have an understanding and hunger for the anointing and the laying on of hands developed countries seem to miss. What they lack in material and educational wealth, they certainly make up for it in a hunger and desire for God and His touch!  After anointing 3,000 people with oil (with of course help from all the pastors present) there were many people laying out under the Power of God. One young girl named Catherine I prayed for who was “mad” (mental problems) was instantly delivered of tormenting spirits, and the joy and glow on her face blessed all those around her! Many again reported receiving healing in their bodies from the touch of God, not the touch of a man!

The greatest thing to see was the altar call that was given for salvation and approximately 40 people came forward to receive Jesus; many of these who came forward were older Masai men! See, God is still calling and saving men, all over the world!  I want each of you to know how important and powerful your prayers were felt during this trip!

As I write this we are in London connecting to Beijing China where our CEO is sending us to meet with other like minded people in our company there and to get an update on how their business is progressing in 2008. I’ll give you an update and an interpretation when I get home.

Finally brethren: continue to pray for us!
Thank you for allowing us to be your hands, feet and mouthpiece to the nations!!

David & Pam