News and Updates

January 1, 2016

David Copeland · January 1, 2016
Newsletter · Volume: 16 Issue: 1

Happy New Year from Pam and I and all our staff at the Revival Now School of Ministry in Kilgoris; and from all the staff & children at the Nyaisero Orphanage in SW Kenya. It’s hard to believe we are standing at the doorway of another year.

This year 2016 also coincides with the Hebrew year 5776. This Hebrew year is a Jubilee year; the 70th Jubilee since Joshua crossed over into the Promised Land.

Many people of course don’t feel anything in the First Testament applies to us any more. Some of those same people though cling to the Ten Commandments and are greatly blessed by the Psalms and Proverbs.

Paul told Timothy in the New Testament, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God…” (2 Timothy 3:16). All means all. While Jesus satisfied the righteous requirements of the Just God of all the earth with His sacrificial death, we can still be blessed by the foundational truths found in the First Testament.

Here’s some thoughts I am pondering and believing God for in this coming year 2016.

1. This is a special Holy Year. A set apart year. This is a year set aside by God Himself for us to draw closer to Him and to believe His Spirit will be closer to us. I completely understand Jesus is our Jubilee according to Luke 4:19, and our time to set ourselves aside to seek and serve Him are ALWAYS at hand. In Leviticus 23:2 God declares that all the Feasts are HIS Feasts: His Holy Convocations that should be observed and declared in their seasons.

In the U.S. in times past and still in some circles, each March-June and September–early November are considered “revival” months (or months in which churches hold revival meetings).  These months are “set aside” to be special times in which congregations stop their regular routines to seek God, repent and draw closer to Him. I am sensing this is a special year in our lifetime that we must sanctify ourselves…set aside extra times of prayer, intercessions, repentance and consecration in order to allow God to do some deep cleansing and release fresh impartation into our lives.

2. Jubilee is another special season in which the people would eat “the increase of the field” Leviticus 25:12. Or in other words, God wants to release into our lives a special season of harvest and rest; a season in which we will experience a special unexpected provision that is actually a result of the good seed we have planted in past seasons and His special grace. A season in which we won’t have to “labor” to do the things God has called us to do. A season of advancement and operating in what many call a sweat-less anointing. I believe God is bringing us into a place in which we will not have to strive like we have in the past to see things accomplished He has called us to do!

3. Jubilee is a special season of release. In Israel, the land returns back to the original owners. Slaves are set free. Debts are cancelled. Oppression of people shall stop.

I urge all who will read this, if you are harboring unforgiveness, let it go. If there is bitterness in your heart toward a family member, a co-worker, a boss, let it go. If you are secretly hoping someone will fail, this is your year to gain victory over that hatred that has you bound. If you are battling with a besetting sin, an addiction, this is your year of abundant freedom. Let. It. Go.

If you will receive it, this can be your greatest year of living for God. It’s a year of release, a year of abundant provision and a year to refocus our consecration to God. A special year of release.

Yes, I know the United States’ sins are many. Yes, there is a coming day in which God will judge us for our turning away from Him. Yes, there will be a soon coming day in which the anti-christ, the man of sin will be revealed and all hell WILL be unleashed upon mankind.

But the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. God is NOT willing that any should perish, but that everyone comes to acknowledge this truth: JESUS IS LORD! We MUST work while its day, especially during special seasons in which His Word has declared to be a special season of His visitation for His people.

Holiness. Forgiveness. Release. Sanctifying ourselves in a brand new way to Him. Refocus our lives according to His plan and His purpose for our lives.

I just turned 54 years of age. This will probably be the last Jubilee year I will see on this earth. I am re-dedicating myself unto the Lord. His Lordship. His leadership. I desperately want His hand upon my life. His release. His renewal. I want to finish my race with joy and the power of the Holy Spirit!

This is MY Jubilee. My season of special provision for His vision for my life. My season to be released from those things that have caused me to stumble and fall and to hinder the work Holy Spirit has been trying to do in my life. My season to gain the complete victory for every area of my life! Will you join me?