News and Updates

January 1, 2010

David Copeland · December 31, 2009
Newsletter · Volume: 10 Issue: 1

Is there a word from God?

Some reading this would say “YYYEEESSSSS! We have the Bible silly!” That’s all the word from God we need!

While I absolutely DO believe the Bible is the only authority (not just the final authority) in which we should live our lives, many find the Bible a boring book of stories written by a God that is old and cranky and out of touch with today’s generation. But the Holy Spirit and the Word of God are relevant to EVERY generation!

The word from God I’m talking about is a passage, a verse, even a chapter of the Bible that God, by the Holy Spirit makes real to you as you are reading. A passage or verse that literally seems like it’s jumping off the page speaking to your heart. This is called a rhema, a spoken revealed word from God!

During the end of each year, I always seek the Lord for a specific word that He would want me to speak to churches and groups both here in the US and around the world. People all over the world are not so much interested in everything you know about God; they are interested in knowing does God really still speak? And what is He saying?

As we seek the Lord for His word to guide us either on a daily basis, or into a new season for our lives a real word from God will do three simple things:

1. A word from the Lord will commend us. Believe it or not, there are some things God does like about us! I know that is hard for some to stomach, because they believe so strongly that the wrath of God is all there is about God they can’t see that God still loves the whole world, that why He sent His only son to save us to begin with!

I’ve been reading in my devotions recently Revelations 1-3. To five of those seven churches, God had a problem, specifically a sin problem He was trying to straighten out. But before He dealt with the problems in the churches, Jesus commended the churches for what was right with the church!

I’ll be the first to admit we have many problems in the American church! I could spend the rest of my life preaching against everything wrong about the church system in America and never finish! But what is right with the American church is there are people who are repenting, they are seeking HIS face; there are many who ARE turning from their wicked ways…and because of that hunger and thirst for righteousness, can hasn’t poured out the judgment bowls upon us yet. 2 Chronicles 7:14 does still work!

2. A word from the Lord convicts. The Holy Spirit is still in the convicting business. In John 16:8 Jesus tells us when the Holy Spirit comes He convicts us of sin. The conviction of the Holy Spirit shows us our sin and shows us the way back to God; condemnation pushes us away from God and tells us God doesn’t want to have anything to do with us. If He is convicting us of something it is because He is definitely interested in our lives! That why He sends us a word from Him.

3. A word from the Lord confirms. He will always confirm the direction for our lives. He will confirm what is right about our lives that lines up with the written word of God. He confirms those who are to be a part of our lives. He also confirms who He does not want to be a part of our lives. Aren’t you glad He loves us enough to bring us confirmation!

Many churches are taking some time during January to fast and pray and seek the Lord for THE word from the Lord for their individual lives as well as their ministries and churches. Take the time to ask. You shall receive. When you take the time to seek, you will find. Knock on the door. He will confirm the one’s you are to go through.

There is a word from the Lord!

Thank you for your faithful support of Revival Now Ministries! Your special giving helped us last month to help feed almost 3,000 people at the 7th Annual Christ Victors Maasai Convention; your giving helped us finish drilling a water well that will provide clean drinking water for Maasai Christian Academy as well as the surrounding neighborhood; you helped us pay the full tuition for an orphan girl to go to school for the whole year; your giving helped us provide offerings to several pastors who were in desperate financial need both here in the US as well as overseas.

In 2010 we will begin helping to build a Leaders Training Center in Kenya that will help equip the 85% of the Maasai pastors who have no adequate Bible training. We will be conducting several crusades and conventions both in Kenya and across the US as we continue to preach the message of repentance, restoration and revival!

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support!

The best is yet to come!
David & Pam