News and Updates

December 1, 2010

David Copeland · November 30, 2010
Newsletter · Volume: 10 Issue: 12

By the time you receive this month’s Newsletter, I will be back in Kenya to take part in the Annual Transmara Maasai Conference in Lolgorian Kenya. Immediately following the conference we will hold our third session of the Maasai Vocational Training Centre.

As I write this Newsletter today, my heart is very full and very troubled at the same time. My heart is full because I am grateful for the calling of God on our lives and the support of so many of you our wonderful friends and partners. But my heart is also troubled because I know there is so much work yet to be done!

Colossians 4:17 And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou has received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.

This passage jumped at me this week during my devotion time. I think it’s very timely for us as we come to the end of 2010, and look forward to what lies ahead in 2011.

First Paul said take heed. Pay attention. Don’t get distracted. Stay focused. Follow. Give consideration to. Listen. In a society filled with so many voices and so many distractions, this is one of the greatest challenges we face!

Second Paul said, pay attention to the ministry…I am believing that 2011 will be a year in which many will come to a greater understanding of who they are in Christ and whom God has called them to be. Especially in ministry.

God has not called us all to be the same or to do the same work, the same way. We say this. We say we believe this. But if we really believe this, why do we spend so much time trying to gain affirmation from people by copying what others are doing? God help us to celebrate the uniqueness of the different ministries we have. Because the ministry we have is from the Lord and in the Lord!

Paul ends the verse by commanding Archippus …that thou fulfill it. I think this is what troubles me. I want to fulfill what God put me on the earth to do. There is a challenge beating in my heart today. My challenge (to me) is to forget those things which are behind. The reason: there is a mission to fulfill. I want to hear the Father say without hesitation, well-done good and faithful servant!

Pam and I are more convinced than ever that God has called us to increase our work in the Maasailand of Kenya. We do not feel called to move there full time, but eventually our vision is to travel there several more times a year to conduct crusade evangelism (which absolutely works in Africa) and pastors training. Our vision is to eventually plant several more Bible/Vocational Training Centers across the Maasai area in Kenya to help the 85% of the pastors there who are not affiliated with any denominational group.

We are also more convinced than ever that God is still calling us to the United States; to spread the message of repentance, restoration and revival. I adamantly believe God is preparing America for the next Great Awakening. This is our ministry. We didn’t maneuver into position for this. I wasn’t born into privilege for it. We didn’t ask for it. In fact, ministry was nowhere on my Top Ten List of Life! We received this calling, this ministry from the Lord, out of a deepening relationship with Him.

What is your ministry in the Lord? Are you fulfilling it? If not, you can start now and get back on track! It’s never too late with Jesus to start over.

Your faithful giving to Revival Now Ministries will help us reach the thousands in areas most will never travel to. We have heard their cry, so we must go! Will you continue to help us? All giving to Revival Now Ministries is tax deductible.

Many use the end of the year to sow special gifts to charities and ministries to help them in their charitable contributions for the year. If you would like to sow a special year-end gift and would like to receive tax credit for 2010, please make sure we receive the gift by December 31, 2010 for credit on your 2010 taxes. We will be issuing receipts in early January.

If you would like to receive our weekly video email Friday Fire, send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Thank you again for your continued prayers and for your financial support of Revival Now Ministries.

Many Blessings and Merry Christmas to you all!

David & Pam