News and Updates

April 1, 2018

David Copeland · April 1, 2018
Newsletter · Volume: 18 Issue: 4

April. For me, this is the most wonderful time of the year. Leaves are budding on the trees, the Azaleas are in full bloom in Alabama, the weather (hopefully) is finally breaking and there will be no more bitterly cold weather until December or next January.

It’s also Passover time. I am convinced it’s not an accident the Resurrection and Passover celebrations take place in either very late March or the month of April. April comes from a Latin word which means to “be open”. Just as the flowers and trees receive the call to be open and produce new leaves and flowers (and grass and pollen), so the hearts of men and women are sensing this call of Holy Spirit to their spirits to be open to receive salvation, healing and a new walk with God!

There are specific seasons in which there is a heightened awareness of God’s Presence moving among His people. The Resuerrection Season is one of those times in which there is a heightened awareness and new life being made available to mankind.

On Saturday March 31st at sundown all over the world the Jewish people began the Feast of Passover. This is the commemoration of the night in which God delivered the chosen people from Egypt’s bondage and turned their slavery into freedom!

While 2017 was the 70th Jubilee since Joshua crossed over into the Promised Land This year, 2018, is the 70th year since Israel was reborn as a nation, the 70th year of the rebirth of Jerusalem.

Many people would say, “Copeland, we are not Jews, and we have been delivered from the Law”. Yes I know. But these things remain in our Christian Bible to let us know where mankind has come from and where our roots are buried. For us we don’t keep the Passover celebration in fear of the death angel passing over us and taking our oldest son; we look back with faith and joy celebrating the fact that Jesus and His Blood is applied to our lives and when sin and his death angel tries to pass over us we are protected by that sinless Blood of the Son of God!

While Passover is a time to remember the deliverance of a nation and the death angel passing over killing all first born signaling the last plague being poured out on Egypt; it’s also a time to remember the plundering of Israel’s enemies and the beginning of the greatest escape in human history!

What has been lost in history and in the church are the blessings that come from a greater understanding of the Passover:

9 Blessings of Passover
*promise of divine protection
*positioning and alignment that provides protection from our enemies
*commissioning of divine authority
*supernatural health and Kingdom prosperity
*covenant protection for multiplication
*a Godly release of fear and respect from your enemies
*the Lord Himself will drive out your enemies
*the Lord will give you dominion and increase your inheritance
*Freedom from corrupt covenants

While it is already Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Passover & Resurrection Season declares for the children of God that we are passing over into a new season…a season in which we have never known before.

Yes there will continue to be increasing persecutions and attacks against God’s people, but God is calling us to pass over into…a new anointing, a new breakthrough, a new outlook on life, a new outlook on God and His will for our lives.

The process of passing over begins by recognizing God is saying it’s time to move on!
In Joshua 1:2, God tells Joshua, “Moses My servant is dead. Arise and go over this Jordan, you and all this people…”

In the New Testament, Jesus says new wine must be put into new wineskins. While the new wine has been available since the Day of Pentecost, and God has always been calling His people to recognize and redeem their time on the earth. The Spring season causes people’s hearts to be more open to hearing the message of the sacrifice Jesus coming to give for His life for all humanity; and they are waiting on you and I to tell them about it! It’s time to let people know, Jesus didn’t die to establish the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, The Assemblies of God or the Baptist church. He died to restore men’s relationship with the living God. And just as there are new flowers on our Azalea bushes, new leaves on our trees, and new grass growing in our lawns that will soon need constant mowing and care, there’s fresh salvation flowing from God’s Throne. There is new healing available because of the stripes that were laid on Jesus’ back. There is new hope available to the hopeless and restoration available for anyone who will call upon the name of the Lord Jesus!