Word For America/Spirit of Baal
Here's a copy of an email I received from a young man I know personally whom God is raising up to be a prophetic voice to this generation. Andrew and Nikki Peters are on fire for God and are establishing Remnant Ministries in Waxahachi Texas. He is also in the military and is scheduled for active duty in Iraq this fall.
I am posting this email in it's entirety because I believe it's a right now word for our nation. It is along the lines of what the Lord has been speaking to me about Baal, Molech, Chemosh and Ashtoreth; four major spirits America and the church in America is battling. Make this a matter of prayer and intercession in the days to come.
Dear Friends,
This is a call to strategic intercession on behalf of our nation. I am sending this to you because I believe you all to be intercessors that God has connected me with. Though the levels of relationship I have with each one of you vary from an aquaintance to a dear friend, I believe you are dedicated to the place of prayer and to seeing our nation reformed and revived! Most of you who read this letter are a lot farther along with the Lord and have a lot more experience than I do, but I do trust that you will not look down on me because of my youth and realize that the Lord has spoken this to me to me so that we can begin to see greater fruit in America. Below is a prophecy I received on July 6 while at the Deluge Prayer Furnace in Red Oak, TX. This prophecy was building on other words that had been spoken throughout the gathering. I believe if we join together in Spirit that there is a convergence of our intercession as well as ours converging with the intercessions of other saints in this land that can shift the condition of a nation!
Babylon Has Fallen
I see Babylon falling as a tall building, falling onto itself. Starting at the top in the heavens, in the spiritual realm, taking time to see the toppling manifest in the physical. Baal's infrastructure is crumbling!
The strong man that is the Spirit of Baal is being bound so the the house that is America's harvest can be taken. Take heart in the hopeless, the prodigal, the prostitute, the wayward, the religious. Jeremiah 51:44 'And I will punish Baal in Babylon and cause him to spit up that which he has swallowed!'
Because of this the blinders set in place will be lifted as the strongman's influence dies. His influence on our minds, influence even on us! It dies!
But my children, also called my soldiers, it is not only my work, but a partnership with you, a combining of arms. I say to you, every true prophecy is a sword against the enemy's camp. Every intercessor a mighty warrior. Every prayer a blow against the Babylonian spirit of Baal.
Conversely every prophecy a light into the sinner's life. Every intercessor a bridge to the Father. Every prayer a cry for the Harvest!
—-That is the Word of the Lord right now! Now let me shed some light on a few areas that some might need clarified.—-
If you'll recall the morning of 9/11 with me, think about how long it took for the building to actually collapse on itself. It was struck at the top a very long time before it actually fell. God is telling me that the same thing has happened to the spirit of Baal, the principality that I believe God has shown me and others through prayer is the strong man over America. He is already falling in the Spiritual, at the top, but it will take time and intercession and warring in the Spirit to see the fruit of our prayer made manifest in the physical realm.
I'm going to give you a series of short parallels to show why I believe Baal is the strongman over America.
1. The chief way in which the temple of Baal was paid for in the Old Testament was through homosexual prostitution. Baal is a spirit of perversion and lust. That same mentality, not only of homosexuality, but also lust and all manner of sexual perversion is rampant in our country today. One of Baal's meanings is the god of covenant or marriage. And what big issue is being pushed today? Homosexual marriage.
2. Think back to Mt. Caramel in Elijah's showdown with the prophets of Baal. After hours of shouting to Baal, and praying to him, in a last ditch effort to get Baal to move on their behalf, the prophets of Baal began to cut themselves and mutilate themselves to get Baal to move. Our generation has cried out for something to happen, and in desperation many have turned to the phenomenon of cutting to 'relieve' the pain and anger. They have been crying out to Baal, not Jesus, and Baal has remained silent.
3. In the temple of Baal human sacrifices were offered to Molech, a spirit that is just under Baal in Satan's hierarchy. They would heat up the hands of the idol of Molech and place babies on the hands, burning them up as a sacrifice. The same thing exist today, except we offer babies to Baal on the altar of abortion!
There are quite a few more parallels, but I think these three will suffice for now.
Mark 3:27 says, 'no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man.'
How can you bind the strong man in the Spirit unless God shows you who that strong man is? You cannot! God, through discernemt, has shown that Baal is the strong man over America. Now what are you going to do with that information? You are going to bind the strongman, the spirit of Baal, because 'whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven.' And once it is bound in Heaven, in the spiritual realm, it will be bound on earth as well.
That is because Jesus prayed your Kingdom come, your dominion come, on Earth as it is in Heaven. In short, if we bind him here, God binds him in the Spirit, then extends that authority and dominion into the Physical realm.
Once he has been fully bound we can take the possessions, and that great possession is the harvest that, up until now, has been blinded by the devices of the enemy!
Join with me in binding this spirit of Baal and interceding for the coming harvest!
In Him,
Andrew Peters
Remnant Ministries