Word For 2011
2011 has started with a bang!
We began 2011 with our Annual New Years Revival at Beauregard Revival Center in Opelika Alabama. We also had the opportunity to take part in the Ordination of Charles and Bea Kalkomey with our church family at New Life Beginnings Church in Pattison Texas last Saturday night. And Sunday services were of course off the chain also!
This past weekend I had the honor of attending Revision 2011 at The Rock Family Worship Center in Scottsboro Alabama. It was exactly what I needed! Many times we hear the Lord speak things to our spirits and when we try to share them with others they give us the deer in the headlights look, making us think we are simply hear junk. Every speaker touched on something the Lord has been speaking to me over the last several weeks, confirming to me I'm simply not hearing junk.
Here are some thoughts as we are now 17 days into 2011:
- Father forgive me for allowing religion talk me out the Power of God's Word. There are so many things God is having to re-teach me. Things I was learning from Him when I first started walking with Him many years ago, but because of the need to be validated, I let people talk me out of what God was teaching me. No more. Back to the WORD!
- 2011 will be a year in which we must watch our words in a greater way. We have all heard people get in the ditch with death and life are in the power of the tongue…but the truth IS death and life ARE in the power of the tongue. I have been the worst offender at saying the corniest things at the most inopportune time. But as we simply speak only the things God has said in His Word which come to life in our hearts, I believe we will begin to see destiny come forth and the atmosphere change in our own lives and in the lives of others.
- 2011 is a year in which God is calling us to contend for an open heaven. On a recent flight to Kenya the Lord spoke this into my heart in a powerful way. I have probably preached 5 or 6 different messages on the open heaven. I've seen people shout and dance about it, then walk out the door and never experience any of it. Or if they did, it was only a small measure of it.
I am purposing to contend for the full measure of it. I want everything He has promised for me! Jesus couldn't enter the fullness of His ministry until the heaven opened and He heard the words of His Father, "this is my beloved Son…" Jesus then lived the rest of His life and fulfilled His purpose under an open heaven.
2011 is a year God wants us to experience Divine Favor and Connections. While waiting in London's Heathrow Airport in December for my flight home from Kenya I began to study all the Scriptures containing the word favor in it. In the King James there are over 80 Scripture describing favor that is available to us as believers in Jesus.
Favor is the front parking spot at Walmart; someone paying for your lunch unexpectedly ending up with the best looking steak at the dinner table. Finding money unexpectantly.
We have often heard people use the phrase "its not what you know it's who you know" in a negative way. But it IS true! It's not what you know; it's who you know!
If you don't know the right person when you die, you will go to hell; for me to fulfill my destiny on earth before I die, I must be connected to the right people, at the right place, at the right time.
Luke 2:52 states Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. I need favor with Jesus to go to heaven when I die; I need favor with man to accomplish my assignment on the earth.
May God connect us to who we need to be connected to who will believe in and support our assignment; and may we release those people who no longer need to be connected to us, so they can find their Kingdom Connections.
And yes, there are some very dark clouds on the horizon. But God is teaching us to trust and rely on Him, not religion, not the government, not our understanding; He wants us to trust, depend and rely upon Him and Him alone!
May 2011 be the most exciting and fruitful year you have ever experienced in your life.
Let the Fire fall!