Word For 2007 Pt. 2

David Copeland December 28, 2006 11:19 am

A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article on what I am sensing the Lord speaking to me about 2007.

I had the opportunity to preach at our home church last night, and in preparation for the service, the Spirit expanded a little on what I had already posted.

Again, I sense 2007 will be a year of an open heaven. Not because this is a slogan that rhymes with '07. Several months ago, I began to see this in scripture and since that time, Pam and I have seen a marked difference in our meetings here in the U.S.

My definition of an open heaven is simply an unusual freedom to preach, pray, worship, to hear from and draw closer to God. Many feel like this open heaven will only be a seasonal event from the Lord; I believe our faith and obedience will determine what we receive from the open heaven, and also how long it stays open!

When you read Jacob's experience with the open heaven, you will find he lived the rest of his life experiencing the blessings of the open heaven. Everything Laban tried to do to keep Jacob in slavery, God turned it around; and when Jacob finally left Padanaram, he left with well over double what he went there with!

Secondly, as I stated previously, we are coming to the end of a long season in which the Holy Spirit has been attempting to get us to release the Absalom's in our lives. All of us have at one time or another created an Absalom: Absalom was a legitimate child of an illegitimate relationship: David married a woman named Maacah (Syrian) when he was on the run from Saul. David was destined for the throne and according to the Law; he was to marry a woman of royal decent. Because of this relationship, birthed on the run from Saul, a child was born which would eventually take David's job from him by manipulation and trickery. While David was chasing after the heart of God, Absalom was "stealing the hearts of the men of Israel…" (2 Sam.15: 6)
We've all created situations out of hurt, frustration, loneliness, fatigue and spiritually manipulation! They eventually became Absalom's and if we refuse to deal with them, they will inevitably turn on us and chase us from the place of spiritual authority God has called us to!

I began to see yesterday, If we don't let go of these Absalom's willingly, the Lord will send a Joab to take care of it for us. And the spirit of Joab will not be merciful! Because David was unwilling to take care of his son and rein him in, Absalom drove David from his place of destiny; but Joab knew this was wrong and dealt with Absalom swiftly, restoring the proper man to the throne.

What is it that is keeping you from being a king and a priest? Revelations 1 tells us God has made us Kings and Priests…that's not only in the life to come, I believe it's for today!

God wants you to be an overcomer, not overcome!

And lastly, as we deal with the Absalom's in our lives, God wants to release a new measure of the favor of Joseph to His people! We need favor with God for where we want to go when we die, but we need favor with man to accomplish what He has called us to do while on this earth! The old adage "it's not what you know, it's who you know" is true both in this life, and in the life to come!

This will only come as we get back to intimacy with God! In Revelations 3:20, Jesus is standing at the door and knocking: He's not just knocking at the door of sinners hearts (we've used this scripture totally out of context); He's knocking at the door of the church trying to get in!

How did Jesus get locked out of His own house?

Somebody please let Him in!