Weekend Update

David Copeland January 22, 2007 1:20 pm

Wow! I know I've said it before but God really wowed us this weekend!

We are in Eastern North Carolina until Wednesday (maybe longer:) at First Pentecostal Holiness Church, Tarboro. Don't let the name fool you. The pastor is a genuine Apostle who is leading this church into a new wave of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday morning, Miriam Frederick, our partner in Guyana ministered in both services. The power of God literally shook the place with Chabad!(the Glory of God) Last night there was a mighty breakthrough anointing that settled over the place, and as hands were laid on people you could literally feel a tremendous impartation taking place! One lady was healed instantly of a severe knee problem that has bothered her for over a year. The way she was dancing and falling to the floor, you thought she was 13 years old! (she's in her 60's)

Others were filled with the Spirit; a Catholic husband and wife who has only recently been coming to the church, were filled…they are really messed up now!

I felt a tremendous shift in the Spirit again yesterday…someone told me last night there was another earthquake again in SE Asia…God is shifting us away from what has become normal for us…He's trying to align us into what is normal for Him!