Weekend Thoughts
I know time and our ministry schedule has kept us from being able to blog like I need to and like I want to. I don't know how many read this blog, but I sure enjoy the chatter! So I decided to copy a host of other bloggers and do some Weekend Thoughts:
Had two awesome blow out services on Sunday at Cross Connection Church in Auburn, Alabama. The altar was filled both times with hungry hearts crying out to Jesus.
Had a fire tunnel last night. Thought about Carl Thomas, Andrew Peters and Brad Morgan the whole time. Can't wait to do this with you guys.
Sent out our first video email last Friday. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. It's not super TV quality, but it's our part of redeeming the technology. I want to use it or lose it! If you would like to receive our Friday Fire email sent me an email to david @ revivalnow.org (take the spaces out of course)
The ultimate purpose of God for our lives is to be strategically placed in someone's life to be a gift from God to them.
The five fold ministry is not an order of rank, but a mode of functionality.
I am grateful for my family. And I'm grateful for the friends and partners whom God has put into our lives. Every partner, every gift, every prayer, every prophetic utterance, every word of encouragement is not ignored by us. We take every word you say to us seriously and we keep it in our hearts. Many days, these words are the driving force that keeps us moving forward for Jesus.
Getting a week off. A precious friend gave us a 4 day cruise we are going to enjoy.
Excited about the next two months and two weeks. They are packed with ministry and with opportunities to expand the Kingdom of God.
Pray for our next upcoming Kenya trip November 30-December 12.
Praying for all of you for the fire to fall in your lives today!