Vision For A New Season
Sunday Morning September 19, as I woke up to prepare to minister I sensed the Holy Spirit speak these words into my spirit…
Today (Sept. 19, 2010) is a defining moment: a pivotal day in your lives individually, corporately and nationally. How we respond to God today (the day after Yom Kippur) to the drawing of the Holy Spirit determines where we go from here. Today is the first day of the rest of your lives!
Sunday September 19th was the first day following this year's Yom Kippur. While I am not what I would call a Judaizer (someone who wants to return to serving the Law of Moses only) I do believe the major feasts of Judaism carry a very significant prophetic influence on us as Spirit filled believers.
Yom Kippur (also known as the Day of Atonement) was the only day of the year the High Priest was allowed into the Holy of Holies to sprinkle blood from a spotless lamb that would atone or cover the sins of the nation for another year. It was a day filled with constant fasting, constant prayer and continuous repentance.
Yom Kippur also ended the Ten Days of Awe that began on Rosh Hashanah. Days in which Jewish people are commanded to work tirelessly to forgive those who have wronged them, and to seek forgiveness from those whom they have wronged. It's a day to be reconciled to both men and God.
Yom Kippur is also the day in which Jews believe people are sealed in the Book of Life for the coming year. In other words, all accounts are settled; every sin is cleansed and taken care of, and God's favor and blessing is believed in for another year.
I am so glad all these things have been fulfilled by the Blood of Jesus, the sacrifice of God's precious Holy Son!
All our accounts have been settled. Cleaned and covered by His Blood.
We are reconciled to God by His Blood. The Father is not mad at us. He is not looking to punish us. He loved us so much, He sent His Son to die and prove it!
And now, we don't have to wait for one special day of the year to encounter God's favor and forgiveness; we can have it any time, anywhere and any place! Repentance is the doorway there!
Which brings me to the last of three major visions I have experienced that have greatly impacted my life.
2006, Pam and I were in Bedford Indiana at Tabernacle of Praise Church. As we were praying with the staff before the Sunday morning service, I had a vision that lasted probably ten seconds at the most.
In this vision I saw two beautiful streams that came together and as they came together they formed a giant deep flowing river. As quickly as the vision began, it ended. I immediately asked the Lord for an interpretation and immediately it came.
One stream represents the Pentecostal movement, the other stream the Charismatic movement. Both streams have had their fair share of excesses; Pentecostals have been known for extreme legalism, while the Charismatic movement has been known for extreme goofiness at times.
While the Pentecostal movement has also been known for strong preaching, the Charismatic movement has been known for signs and wonders, renewal and revival. I believe we have entered a season in which God is bringing together the good things that have been in both streams to bring healing, wholeness and empowerment to the Body of Christ. God is now bringing these streams together to help the Body of Christ both reap and keep the harvest.
The calendar or a clock will never determine the seasons of God; the revelation of Jesus we are walking in and the brooding of the Holy Spirit in our lives determine them. But it is without doubt repentance, fasting, praying and releasing the sins of others all play a major part in the seasons we experience in God.
As we enter this next season, may we recapture a hunger and a thirst for God and His Word. May the Holy Spirit fill us to overflowing with His Power. May the supernatural power of God be a normal part of our everyday life. Jesus said if we hunger and thirst for Him, we shall be filled!
Let today be the first day of the rest of you life!
Thank you for your prayers and support of Revival Now Ministries.