Turkanna Kenya Update
By the time I post this it will be mid afternoon in the U.S. but late at night here in Narok Kenya where we are preparing to take part in two different huge Maasai Conventions that are going on simultaneously.
We completed our outreach in Lodwar, Turkanna Kenya on Sunday with literally a Holy Ghost Explosion!
We were invited to speak Sunday morning at a local radio station at 6:30am then two morning services at two different churches. Many responded to the altar calls in both churches, some for salvation, some for rededication.
The afternoon crusade closed outdoors in the center of town with over 3,000 in attendance and at least 80 people giving their lives to Jesus! Both Saturday and Sunday there were at least five different Turkanna women who could not speak any English or Swahili that came forward to receive Jesus. What makes this so powerful was the fact that the message was translated into Swahili only. They didn't understand a word that was being spoken; but they understood the conviction of the Holy Spirit!
In the closing service of the Unity Revival meeting our Turkanna team tag team preached on the Power of the Holy Spirit. Over 100 people came forward and almost every one of the received the Holy Spirit Baptism. At one time there were about 40 people lying on the floor speaking in another language from heaven. No one pushing…no one screaming in their ears…no one trying to teach them how to speak in tongues; just a sovereign move of God.
As we ended the service there was so much joy in the place I literally thought the roof was going to blow off. I was reminded of the Scripture in Acts 8:8 speaking of Philip's ministry in Samaria …and there was great joy in that city…
Thank you once again for your continued prayers and for your financial support!