Tuesday Thoughts February 10, 2014
God continues to amaze me at His goodness and His Gifts!
This past weekend we were honored to be able to share some of what we are doing in Kenya and other nations of the world at Next Ministries in Lanett Alabama (our home town).
The ministry center was also filled with hungry hearts ready to receive from God and he touched many with His Presence. On Sunday morning I was able to travel to Moulton Alabama to New Life Assembly where once again, God showed up and blessed His People.
It is so amazing when the gifts of the Holy Spirit begin to move and show you things that are happening in people’s lives that you can’t know by natural knowledge because you don’t live in that area. Even Jesus said in John 15:13 “..and He will show you things to come” (speaking of the Holy Spirit)
If there is any word from the Lord it is this: look up: Your redemption is drawing near! Jesus is not coming for a backslidden church, a dead church or a dying church. His church is alive! His church is overcoming. His people are getting ready. And His church will always see the victory. He is sending people alongside you this day to speak the right words that will encourage you and help you get your focus back.
In just a few weeks we will travel again to Kenya East Africa where we will host our April Session of the Maasai Vocational Training Centre. We will also take part in the Annual Youth Camp for the Pentecostal Assemblies of God. Students from all across Kenya will be coming to take part in five days of heaven on earth. If you would like to sow a special seed for these meetings they will be greatly appreciated.
Your seed is helping Pam and I touch the nations of the world with revival fire! Thank you for your prayers and financial support!
This weekend we will begin Revival Meetings at Lagrange PH Church in Lagrange Georgia with Pastors Drs. Hank & Sandra Avera. Hank & Sandra were very instrumental in my life forty years ago this year to plant the seed for the power of the Gospel in music and the Word. If you are in the East Alabama/West Georgia area we would love to see you Sunday – Tuesday. For directions and more information visit our website http://revivalnow.org/schedule.