The Sign
Exodus 4:17 And you shall take this rod in your hand, with which you shall do the signs.
Comedian Jeff Foxworthy has made a gazillion dollars on his classic joke "…you need a sign? Here's your sign!" While it makes us laugh, there's also a lot of truth in his "sign" jokes, especially if you live in the Southern United States.
Moses is having his burning bush experience with God on Mount Sinai. He is explaining to God all his disqualifications for the job He (God) is calling him to do. With every excuse Moses gives God, God responses "wrong answer!"
This verse literally jumped off the page to me today. With this rod you will do the signs.
Sign: an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else; something regarded as an indication or evidence of what is happening or going to happen; [with negative] used to indicate that someone or something is not present where they should be or are expected to be; a miracle regarded as evidence of supernatural power. All these definitions are the first definitions given in the dictionary for the word sign. I am amazed each one has biblical and spiritual implications.
While Moses is arguing with God informing Him how he is not qualified to take the job God is offering him, God replies again and again by telling him in short, whom He (God) calls, He (God) qualifies.
We are living in the greatest days in the history of the earth. While there are times and seasons in which life simply moves along without any major "sign" that God is doing anything extraordinary in our lives, there are also times and seasons in which God does "signs" in us and through us to reveal a greater dimension of His Spirit working.
For some, the signs are a severe testing. For others, it may be a job promotion, the birth of a child or grandchild; for others a breakthrough answer to prayer.
God IS THE GOD of signs and wonders!
We know there are signs of the last days; wars, rumors of wars, disease, animosity, false prophets and teachers…
And there are signs that real, genuine people are living an authentic faith through Jesus Christ. Others are launching into a work for Father God that can only be accomplished with the signs only God can produce!
What is it God is calling you to do? Is there a great fear that you cannot do it? Do you not have the experience you feel you need to do it? Is there not enough money to do what you sense God is calling you to do? Do you feel you are too young, too old or do you feel like you have sinned too much for God to really use you?
These are all indicators, signs, that God is calling you! God's calling will always require His participation to be successful.
Stop making excuses why you can't; with God all things are possible. Whom He calls, He qualifies, anoints and will show the signs He is with you!
February Ministry News
Pam and I spent January traveling back and forth between Texas and Alabama seeing God save and fill many with the Holy Spirit. God is calling His people in 2011 to contend for an open heaven! While in the natural things look real bleak I am encouraged by the words of Paul, "…where sin abounds, grace does much more abound…"
There are several churches across the United States that are having extended meetings. People are realizing the government cannot fix our problems. Only a touch from God will help us!
This month, we will travel to Nicaragua for ministry; Pam and I are also preparing to travel back to Kenya in March/April for three weeks of Pastors Training and conferences. And we will continue to travel across the U.S. looking for the awakening God has promised to come to full bloom.
Thank you for your giving this month. It is helping us to take the message of repentance restoration and revival to the nations! Be sure and go to our website and sign up for the Friday Fire Video Email.
David & Pam