The Pentecost Feast

David Copeland June 20, 2011 8:47 am

Acts 2:1-4

1And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

It was about 9am one late spring morning. The temperature was beginning to rise earlier and earlier with each passing day, as the Israeli Spring was being forced to give way to the dry desert heat of summer.

120 people were gathered in an upper room south of town; first, out of fear that the same folks who crucified Jesus some fifty days prior, would find them and lead them to the same fate.

But these 120 people were also there in response to the command of Jesus that emphatically stated that they should not leave Jerusalem…tarry here until you are endued with power from on High…the Holy Ghost shall come, and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the earth.

By this time, everyone in town is up headed toward the temple…those who were lagging behind, were simply making the last minute preparations before moving to the Temple for the day’s celebration….

When suddenly…and you know the rest of the story!

But why this day? Why the Feast of First Fruits?

Pentecost literally means 50; a celebration 50 days from Passover. Seven weeks and one day from the moment the Passover lamb was slain and blood sprinkled on the door posts to remind the Jewish people of God protection from the death angel; seven weeks and one day to the time in which the first fruits of the wheat harvest was waved before the Lord as recognition of His Divine protection, provision and power over the nation.

The following is also some of the activities of the Pentecost feast:

It was the second of three Jewish Festivals in which all the males were required by the Law of Moses to come to Jerusalem to worship.

It was the day in which the last of the barley was offered unto the Lord and the first fruits of the wheat was waved as an offering unto the Lord.

It was the ending of the counting of the omer; for seven weeks and one day, the season between Passover and Pentecost was a season of transition in the natural. No one knew for sure if a cold front would come sweeping through the land with a biting late season frost that would kill the tender wheat; or would a Scirocan heat wave come from the south and wipe out the crop with a blistering drought. So it was a time of watching, waiting and trusting.

It was a pivotal feast; it signaled the end of one season and the beginning of another!

Just a few days ago we had the honor of celebrating Pentecost Sunday all over the world. Many have accused me of being a Judaizer, wanting to bring people back under a dead feast that is no longer relevant. I’ve noticed, we celebrate Christmas, and it’s not even the real birthday of Jesus; we celebrate the Resurrection that comes around the same time as Passover; but why don’t we look at Pentecost?

Most Pentecostal people I know don’t know a single thing about the real feast of Pentecost.

Pentecost is a day in which we can celebrate the birthday of the Church of Jesus Christ and honor the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives today!

The reason Pentecost so important and it’s understanding needs to be reclaimed today is that it’s the day we can point back to in time and say, on this day, at this time, God started a movement that continues to this day. Many movements have come and gone. Politicians have come and gone. Currencies have come and gone; but the church still marches on!

I tell you, every church that preaches Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a horrific death and was resurrected to be seated at the right hand of God the Father is a Pentecostal Church!!!! They may not act like it or flow in it, but you are a part of a church movement that was born on Pentecost.

We are the first fruits of what God continues to do all around the world!

But I am stuck on this thought: it was a pivotal feast: it signaled the end of one season and the beginning of another!

Some of you have walked through a long period of watching…waiting…trusting for the promise of God to come to pass in your life. I feel strongly I can say without any hesitation, your season is changing! Pentecost signals the end of one season and the beginning of a new.

And the blessings we have heard that God has poured out on churches and services around the world in just in the last two weeks, is only a first fruits of what He want to do in your life.

But what will bring a fresh Pentecost in my life?


As the realization of what happened circulated around town and a crowd began to gather, Peter stood up boldly and declared, you can have this too if you will repent! (Acts 2:28)

In Acts 3:19, he echoes the same point in another situation involving the healing of the lame man when he declared repent and be converted so you sins will be blotted out that the times of refreshing can come from the Presence of the Lord…

The level of your repentance will determine the level of God Presence. There is no magic potion or prayer; repentance is first, last and all in between!

2. Your Offering.
I am not writing about giving a $1,000.00 seed offering that will change your season; I’m not telling you a $50, or $2,500 offering will release a fresh Pentecost in your life; the sacrifice and offering God is looking for is….


Do you remember a time in which you told God, with tears rolling down your face in all sincerity that you would go where He wanted you to go, and do what He wanted you to do? Have you ever in your life told Him you would serve Him whole-heartedly all the days of your life?

He heard you.