The Next Thing God Does…
A Great Awakening happens when social change renders traditional religion no loner able to answer the questions posed by contemporary life. A certain disconnect occurs between religion and the real world. New belief systems attempt to fill the gap eventually leading to a full Great Awakening. Wikipedia, May 2005
If this statement doesn't sum up where America is at in 2009, I don't know what is!
It's hard not to be cynical, discouraged and even a little depressed by what we see happening in America in our politics, our families and even in our churches. Last week Parade Magazine revealed a study they did showing most 'christians' in America may read scriptures in the morning, check their horoscopes at lunch, do pilates and yoga (eastern meditation) in the evening.
Barry Kozim, co-author of the American ID Religious Survey said "today religion has become more like a fashion statement, not a deep personal commitment for many".
With so many people preaching a new gospel that has no requirements and asks for no commitments, it is creating a vacuum…a void that will only be satisfied by another Great Awakening!
I am not discouraged in the least at what I see taking place! No, I don't have my head buried in the sand either nor am I living in denial. But where sin abounds, Grace ALWAYS much more abounds! I see God is allowing mankind especially Americans to come to the end of their narcissistic ways, and that void is setting people up for the next Great Awakening!
What do we do? Preach against sin. Repent ourselves with all of our hearts. Turn from our own selfish ways. We don't need another wake up call. We have been getting wake up calls for years. We must quit hitting the snooze button and falling back to sleep.
And know that the next thing God does is always greater than the last thing He did!