Several hundred years ago as the new Pilgrims had gathered their first harvest they came together on a day to celebrate the goodness and provision God had given them in their new land.
Now over 400 years later we will gather around tables all across the United States to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. A national holiday for the country. A day off with pay for many people; a time with family for most.
But Thanksgiving should NOT be a one day event. It should be the DNA of Believers.
Because we have reduced worship to an event we do once a week, once in a while or (for many) once a year, we are missing out on so much that God wants to do for us. He inhabits the praise of His people. Jesus told the woman at the well the Father is looking for…He has His eyes open for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23,24)
There are so many definitions of worship floating around these days. Worship is not an event it is a lifestyle. Worship is not a certain style it is substance. Worship is not:
Singing, dancing or shouting.
Worship is not loudness, nor is it softness.
Worship is not dignity,
Nor is it what many call freedom.
Worship is love poured out extravagantly; for worship to be true worship it must have an object; and the value of the object determines the value of your worship.
As you gather with family and friends this weekend, don’t simply offer up a quicky prayer just to simply get to the turkey and dressing: take the time to think about and give praise and worship to a Father who loved us so much, He proved it with the giving of His Son.
Many the Presence of the Living God bless you abundantly this week and in the weeks to come.
Happy Thanksgiving!