Tent Revival, Immokalee Florida
I have a week at home and I still can't get caught up….I did get a podcast recorded if I could only get the time to upload it now…
Praise God anyhow!!!
Headed to Immokalee Florida to take part in a tent meeting that is being conducted by The New Testament Church there in Immokalee. My friend Eddie Ruis who travels with us to Guyana frequently gave us the invite and Pam and I are super excited! The demons I have had to battle this week indicates its going to be a great weekend in the Holy Ghost! This is the third week of meetings under the tent with many people coming to Jesus; they are also feeding everyone who comes a full meal every night! That's a great outreach if you ask me!
I don't know anyone who would turn down free food! Looking forward to hooking up with my friend Carl Thomas some this weekend also!