Spring Is Here!
Spring officially arrives this weekend! At least in does in the Northern Hemisphere; and in Alabama!
This weekend I will be in Cypress Texas at New Life Church with Pastor Steve Weaver and his family. Pastor Steve and Karen have become dear friends of this ministry and we are looking forward to being in both Sunday morning services 9am and 11am Central time. If you are within driving distance we would love to have you join us for either of these two powerful Sunday morning meetings!
By the time you receive our monthly Newsletter for April, Dave Johnson and I will be in Kenya beginning our first Pastors Vocational Leadership School in Kilgoris. This has been a vision of ours since we first began traveling to Kenya many years ago. Please pray that God will give us traveling safety; that the British Airways cabin crew strike will not effect any of our travel plans; and that we will see a harvest of souls from the extra ministry I know we will be involved in from March 29- April 7th. if you would like to give a special offering toward the expenses of this trip you may do so at our websitehttp://revivalnow.org/give.
As we officially enter the Spring Season this weekend, I pray for the Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead manifest Himself with Resurrection Power in churches all around the world!