There is a persecution increasing against the Body of Christ. It's an attack against our efforts at what we call soul winning. Convincing people that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. Our ability to simply share our faith with others is being infringed upon by legislation pending before Congress. It is in language attach to the current Hate Crimes Bill that is being debated.
While it shouldn't surprise us that this type of persecution is now underway in full force; I am convinced it flies in the face of the First Amendment and what this country was founded on over 230 year ago. more protection is coming for homosexuals, muslims, rapists and child molesters, while Christian people who simply want to share the Light that Jesus Christ has brought into their lives will be increasingly attacked for their faith. There is a soon coming day in which it will essentially be against the law for you to be a true born again Christian.
You would say, "Copeland, you are a conspiracy theorist; you're spreading fear and hateā¦" no friends, it's simply another sign of a falling away that is taking place so the man of sin can be revealed.
But in the midst of it all, God's remnant people will find a special provision, protection and power from God Himself that will sustain them empower them and provide true solutions for a world lost in narcissism, greed and power grabbing. It shall come to pass that the Holy Spirit shall be poured out on all flesh!
I for one will go with Jesus Christ! He's never let me down yet!
It's all for souls!
Services continue tonight and Sunday morning in Rainsville Alabama at Grace Assembly. Then Sunday night through Wednesday night we will minister in Gardendale (Birmingham) Alabama at Landmark Light House Assembly with Pastor Barbara Trussell. We will also have a Children's Crusade with River of Life Church in Alexander City's Children's Ministry team. For more information you can Call PAstor Trussell at 256-538-8678.