Satanic Attacks And An Open Heaven
There has been a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare the last 4 weeks, at least in my life!
Pam and I have literally seen super extremes in the spiritual climate in different places we have been. We've seen people on the mountain top in their walk with God and we have seen people whom if God doesn't touch soon, they are literally in an almost suicidal state! They don't need God to touch them; they need deliverance from the satanic assignment!
I have also experienced extreme and unusual attacks against my body and my mind, prompting me to wonder, what in the world is happening?
I sense satan has stepped up the warfare for 2 reasons:
1. satan is attempting to close our open heaven. satan always attacks directly before, or directly after a great blessing from God! I don't believe satan has the power to reverse something God has done, nor reverse what He has decreed be done: but when he begins to bombard us with temptation, failures and physical attacks, along with that comes an assignment of unbelief! It's easy to keep your faith strong when everything is going great. The challenge comes when you fail, yield to a temptation or a besetting sin…when your body feels like it is about to lay you down for the last time; when your check book tries to tell you giving to God is a gimmick, a hopeless waste of time, that's when it becomes a real challenge to keep your faith strong in the Lord and in the power of His might!
If satan can convince you the heavens have closed because of a sin you have committed or something you are doing wrong, we will miss the opportunity to receive deliverance, healing, forgiveness or our miracle breakthrough!
2. Secondly, satan desires to distract us from the realities of an open heaven. In Genesis 28, as Jacob is observing those angels ascending and descending that ladder into heaven, I imagine unbelief tried to grab hold of Jacob; do you think Jacob had the thought "I can't believe what I am seeing…"? Maybe, maybe not. But as Jacob became focused on the movement of those angels, God stands over the hole in heaven and begins to speak! The purpose of an open heaven in our lives is NOT to get us excited about angelic visitations; it's to renew our focus and dependence on God!
Every blessing God pours into your life, He does it to increase your dependence on Him and your addiction to His Spirit!
Jacob lived the rest of his life experiencing the blessing of an open heaven. Even when Laban tried to trick him our of his wages and benefits, God would bless him, and in the end, he left Padanaram with more than he would ever need the rest of his life!
I had two different people from two different states call me out of the blue yesterday simply to encourage me: now I want to encourage you: Be strong, and be encouraged! We ARE in a season of an open heaven! And even though we have not experienced everything we thought we would experience in this season, God IS releasing your miracle, your deliverance, your finances, and your restoration for you, your marriage and your ministry!
You will not just see it with your eyes you will hold it in your hands!