Samson Revival Update
We are continuing in revival meetings next week for week# 5 in Samson, Alabama at New Life Worship Center. Pastor Jack Chancey and the congregation here are some of the hungriest folks I've ever seen! And hunger for God is the main ingredient for a move of God!
These are some of the things we have experienced in 4 weeks of meetings:
People have been saved. While it's not a large number, still people have committed their lives to Christ.
People have been awakened to the fact that God wants to do a powerful work in this area. And they are willing to go out of their way to let God move.
Genuine repentance has been demonstrated. It is evident outwardly by a new humility toward God and each other.
There has been an openess to the gifts of the Spirit. In almost every service, the gifts have been free to operate. Not with kooky or silly words, but with genuine edification, exhortation and comfort!
There have been times of celebration! This is one atribute that is sorely needed in quite a number of local congregations. Celebrate the goodness of our God!
And there have been times of brokeness before the Lord. Times when such a Holy Presence of God has come into the services, people would fall to the floor with weeping, repentance and crying out to God for His Kingdom to come and His will to be done, in earth like it is in Heaven! For me, these times of brokeness have been more important to me than the times of celebration. Because the Word says He dwells in the high and holy place with he that is of a humble heart and a contrite spirit!
And people have been willing to linger in the altars even after the services have officially been dismissed.
And we have already had the critics come and leave because of the gifts operating, there was not any preaching, and there was such a Holy Presence, they thought were just needed some "structure" . But I would rather Make room for God and make a mistake, than become so structured God couldn't move if He wanted too!
And I have deliberately held myself back at times, (and those who know me know that is a miracle:)to be sure I am not trying to manipulate any situation…because I myself am so desperate to see God move for myself and others I don't want to miss an opportunity of a lifetime in a life time of opportunity!
And other churches in the area have been invilved in the services. There seems to be a growing unity and hunger for God to fulfill the destiny of this area. While it is known as being L.A. (lower Alabama)(always in a negative light), this area is known as the birthplace for Pentecost coming to Alabama. New Brockton, Alabama just a few miles from here is the birthplace of Southeastern University, now residing in Lakeland, Florida. There was a great move of the Spirit herein the early 1900's and people who were not involved and alive at that time want to see it happen again!
Please pray for us that we will be completely sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as to what to do! and which way to go! (or not go!)
For information on New Life Worship Center, contact the church office at 334-898-7699 or visit their website