Samson Alabama Outreach
Dear Friends of Revival Now Ministries and the Revival Journal!
You may have watched the news last week as the tragedy unfolded in Samson Alabama. A young man who everyone in town believed to be a good, stable person, shot and killed 10 people before turning the gun on himself and taking his own life. This all took place just a couple of doors down from New Life Worship Center.
Pam and I had the opportunity this week to travel to Samson and visit with our friends Pastor Jack & Kay Chancey, Pastors at New Life Worship Center. I also attended the funeral of the mother of the young man who did the shooting, and I can tell you the town needs our prayer in a big way!
With that in mind, we at conducting a Prayer Walk/Outreach in Samson Alabama Saturday March 28th beginning at 9:30am Central Time. We are inviting intercessors, evangelists, pastors, counselors and anyone who desires to participate to join us. We will begin with some worship and prayer at 9:30am and then walk the streets going door to door offering prayer and encouragement for the citizens of the neighborhood, as well as prayer walking the area. There is a spirit of depression, fear and disillusionment that is gripping the area that can only be dealt with by prayer and intercession. New Life Worship Center as well as several other churches in the area also need us to come along side them with this support. If you would like to participate, please RSVP me by replying to this email. This will help us prepare for snacks that our ministry will be supplying.
I realize many receiving this email live in other parts of the US and many others are in other parts of the world. I am asking you to set aside some time on Saturday March 28th to pray for Samson Alabama. Pray for hearts to be open to the Lord as we reach out to them with the Gospel; also pray that the saints that take part in this outreach will have the sensitivity of the Spirit to break every stronghold the enemy has sent against this small Alabama community.
And again, if you would like to come and take part with us, please call me at 706-773-1546, or email me at david. Or you may call New Life Worship Center at 334-898-7699.
We love you all and appreciate your support of Revival Now Ministries and for visiting Revival Journal.
David Copeland