Revive Us Again!
Webster's Dictionary defines evangelism as "the winning or revival of personal commitments to Christ…"
There is much debate on what evangelism, revival and outreach should look like; should it be only revival meetings or is it only free car washes, knocking on doors, passing out free bottles of water? A/G Evangelist Dominic Galati said it best recently; "it's not either or, it's both!"
Bill McLeod, the pastor in whose church the great Canadian revival was birthed, stated, "… remember this: In times of evangelism, evangelists seek sinners (which is right to do); but in times of revival, sinners seek the Lord!" When God comes in revival, people will come in earnest to the Reviver! Again, it's not either or, it's both!
We trace out spiritual roots back to the great Azuza Street outpouring that took place 100 years ago this very year. What distinguished that move, according to history, is the meetings were marked by long periods of prayer, waiting on God, and moving only as the Holy Spirit prompted them. I realize our time together on Sundays is limited. Much must be done to conduct the business of our local churches. But when we get hungry again for God to move in our midst, and we get hungry to reach a lost and dying generation with the Love of our Father, The Holy Spirit will come and produce among us a true revival that will spark an evangelism movement this nation has yet to see! And it is already beginning to taking place!
Critics love to point out the excesses and the faults that come to the surface when God begins to move in a local church or a city; but when genuinely begins to move by His Holy Spirit, the fruit is the changed lives that come from that move.
I get tickled when I see and hear folks who line up and criticize everything. All I can hear is the Apostle Paul declare "all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God…" Or, as Job told his three friends, "you are the men and wisdom will die with you!" Solomon said man at his best state is still all together vanity. So no matter how good you are, how holy your are, no matter how righteous you think you are, on your best day, you still come up short! That's why we need the Power of the Holy Spirit!
My hearts cry is that God will move in such a supernatural way, Jesus' prayer in John 17 that we may be one even as He and the Father are one will soon come to reality, and not just a good preaching point!
Oh Lord, revive us again!