Revival Report 2005 Recap

David Copeland December 28, 2005 4:29 pm

It's hard to believe we are at the beginning of another year. It's equally hard to comprehend we are beginning our sixth year of producing our newsletter! You can subscribe to our monthly newsletter by e-mailing me at david .

2005 was once again the greatest year in the history of Revival Now Ministries. Our travels once again took us across the United States in revivals, special weekend services, a marriage retreat and much more. The altars were filled with hungry hearts seeking God for renewal and restoration. We received many reports of divine healings that took place, many times without anyone laying hands on them; just a mighty manifestation of God's Presence! To God Be ALL the Glory! Great things He has done and will continue to do!

Our overseas ministry continues to expand in Guyana South America where we are continuing our partnership with World Harvest Missions. We are completing the moving and dedication of Sumutu village that was delayed due to inclement weather. The dedication will take place some time this spring. In 2005 we conducted three pastors' seminars as well as special ministry in various villages in the Northwest interior in April, July and November. One of the highlights of the year came in April as we conducted an outdoor crusade in Port Kaituma, the village that borders the old Jonestown property. Literally hundreds made commitments to Jesus…so many have responded to the altar calls this entire year that we have stopped counting because only God Himself knows the real number.

What thrilled me about the Port Kaituma crusade was the work the pastors did after we left in assimilating the converts into new converts classes. A great majority of those continue to be plugged into those local churches. Please pray for both the pastors and the believers in the interior who labor and live in such hardship. They are truly worthy of any help we can give to them!

Many have already expressed an interest in joining us on one of our overseas outreaches in 2006. In fact our July trip is shaping up to be the biggest trip we taken to date. The 2006 Missions Trip Schedule as of now is as follows:

February 10-20 Guyana South America
May 2006 (tentative) Trinidad
July 14-24 Guyana South America
We have also been invited to come to Brazil and establish the Pastors and Village Outreaches we have established in Guyana. That will take place some time in 2006, we are just not sure of those dates yet. Other trips are in the planning stages and when we know them we will pass that information along to you. If you are interested in any overseas ministry with us you are more than welcome to join us! Call us at our office 334-576-7265 and let us know.

Several revival meetings were extended this year indicating to me several things many have heard me speak and write about.

1. God recognizes the need mankind has for revival. 2Chro. 7:14 still remains the only presciption for a true sin-killing move of God. I've read many blog pages in recent days that leave the impression they are the only true people of God left on the earth. I submit to you we ALL need to repent of the arrogance and selfishness and greed and the compromise that all of us have sucumed to at various time in our lives. It's when God's people, who are called by HIS name humble THEMSELVES and pray and seek His face and TURN from their wicked ways….I don't know how much simpler it could get! Last time I read Romans 3:23 Paul says "…all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God".

2. People recognize the need for revival. Everywhere I go I find hungry people, hurting people, searching people; people who really want to know the Jesus in the New Testament really is who He said He is and that He will do what His Word says He will do!

People also recognize (sometimes) when God is not there! If people are going to give up their time, we need to pray for God to give them what they need…not necessarily what they want to hear! When people's true spiritual needs are met, they will do number 3…

3. People will go out of their way to be in a genuine move of God's Spirit!

This year celebrates the 100th Anniversay of the Azuza Street Revival. I pray 2006 will not be a walk down memory lane; I pray God help us to search our hearts, repent of every sin that stands between us and God, and move forward, closer to Him than we have ever been before!