Random Thoughts November 2, 2010
I thought I would be able to blog more this year, but here we are within the last sixty days of the year and my ability to blog has been pitiful. But thanks again to all three people who read this page! I love you guys! And Carl, last time I tried to load a podcast my computer crashed…hang in there with me buddy!
Here's my random thoughts for the week of November 1-6, 2010:
*We experienced powerful services this past week in Tennessee. Sunday October 24-27 we were in a small German settled community named Gruetli Laager Tennessee with Pastors Willard and Sheila Griffin. They are setting that mountain on fire!! This past Sunday morning we were at Ladd Springs Church of God with Steve and Christy Miller. These are some choice servants of the Lord. They are ministering under some trying circumstances but they are truly pioneers of the Holy Ghost. God touched many hearts Sunday Morning.
*Sunday night we were in my old stomping grounds of Soddy Daisy Tennessee at Christ Family Church with Pastor Calvin Nunley. He is a great man of God and has taken that church to some great heights in God! Sunday night the church was almost at capacity. That sure bucks the argument that Sunday night services are dead. They are in some places, but some places they REALLY work! Thanks Bro. Calvin for having us!
*I felt a real shift Sunday morning while praying. Pam and I talked on the way home Sunday night and we both have felt God seems to be transitioning our ministry again. No, I'm not going back to pastoring. We feel a consuming call to travel to Kenya and other nations more and more. I don't know how it's all going to flesh out. But the call to the nations is consuming her as well as me. We will still be doing Sunday services across the US and we will still be conducting some revival campaigns across the country; but our main focus has to be to the nations. If God speaks to you to support us in this work, we sure would appreciate it.
*The five-fold ministry is not an order of ranking but a mode of functionality. I may have blogged this before. But this phrase the Lord dropped in my spirit a couple of weeks ago is stirring my focus on the five-fold ministry and what it all really means.
*We are entering the Thanksgiving season once again. But Thanksgiving should not be a once a year event; it should be the lifestyle of every believer.
*I am amped up about the next Kenya trip. I leave with my friend Dave Johnson November 30th and return December 13th. There is such a drawing in my heart to that nation. Crusade evangelism still works in Africa! I'm grateful God is allowing us to partner with some great men and women of God!
*Now that people have completed worshipping their demons for the year, maybe we can have a move of God here in the U.S. I know…some of us trick or treated when we were kids and we turned out ok. Those people who shoot me that line have never cast demons out of people who started out innocently fascinated and experimenting with witches and warlocks and Harry Potter and Ouija boards. What should any true believer in Jesus Christ want to celebrate all that is cold dark and dead? (Encyclopedia Britannica)
Since I've stirred the pot I'll go!
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Let the True Fire of God fall!!!!