Partnership Ministry

David Copeland October 15, 2007 9:44 am

Finished another powerful weekend in Pattison Texas at New Life Beginnings Church. This is one of the churches God has given us a Kingdom Connection with that we are invited to come back on at least a quarterly basis. Pam and I love and appreciate Brad and Ann Marie Morgan and the NLBC church for embracing us as one of their own! This is, in my opinion a true N.T. partnership!
Many pundits have concluded the day of the evangelist as we have known it in times past is over. If you are speaking of the evangelists that have been charlatans, con men and manipulators for money then I agree; but if you are talking about the men and women in itinerant ministry who genuinely desire to come along side pastors and churches to dig wells of living water then I say you are wrong…dead wrong!

I am still amazed at how much hunger we are seeing in most every place Pam and I go. I say most places, because some people and some places do not want a demonstration of the gifts and power of God IN BALANCE!

But what is goofier? People who speak in another language they have never been taught because of a supernatural encounter with God; or a guy who talks to dead people and brings back messages from the dead to those who are alive?

Bring on the Holy Spirit!