November 3 Weekend Update
Welcome to our Weekend Update!
I hope you have had a great week and that you are looking forward to being with other believers to worship our King this weekend! An added blessing is we get an extra hour of sleep tonight…so don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed.
This has been a very exciting week here at Revival Now Ministries! I want to thank everyone who took part in our special Fundraiser last night at The Bridge in Cusseta Alabama. Thanks to Pastor Brad Morgan from Pattison Texas, Jimmy & Cindy Jones from Cusseta for coordinating the event; thanks to everyone who participated and a big thank you to The Bridge Church and Pastors Bill & Debbie Bryan for hosting the event.
For all our friends in the SW Virginia area, Pam and I are coming back to Liberty Hill Church in the Piney Community of Wytheville beginning Sunday through Wednesday. Services are 10am & 6pm Sunday; 7pm Monday through Wednesday. We would love to have you in these meetings. We are believing God for an outpouring in these meetings this week.
As we head into the US election this week, I along with all you are praying for God to bring peace into the midst of this very tumultuous election cycle. The vicious attacks from both sides have further opened the divide that is attempting to destroy our nation. A nation divided will not stand. May God bring unity and a new direction that will heal every division in our beloved land. We have too much work left to do for the Kingdom of God.
It’s hard to believe we are now beginning the 2012 Holiday season. May God give you peace in the midst of every storm; may He meet all your needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus; may He give you health and strength for each new day; and may faith rise up in you and make you an over comer of every hindrance and obstacle in your life.
Our last International Outreach of 2012 to Kenya will take place December 4-17. Thank you for your prayers for this event. And thank you to everyone who has already planted a seed for the expenses of this Pastors Training. From the men and women of God who are receiving both information as well as impartation from this ministry, Pam and I say thank you so very much! May God richly bless the seed you have sown in Revival Now Ministries’ international outreaches!
I want to get a head start by saying…
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
David & Pam