New Life Beginnings Church Pattison Texas
We are getting ready for another great weekend at New Life Beginnings Church in Pattison Texas. We are thankful God has connected us with this congregation and is allowing us to help dig wells of Living Water. Services are Saturday night 6pm and Sunday 10:30am. If you are in the area, we would love to have you join us!
As we approach the Thanksgiving week festivities, I hope that you will sincerely take time to think about the blessings God has given us individually, corporately as local churches and the blessings He has given us as a nation.
The last few days I have been remembering the many Thanksgiving Days in the past that we fed hundreds of people free Thanksgiving Dinner from the church we pastored in Lanett Alabama. The long hours that went into that project; and the satisfaction in knowing that when we do it to the least, God does it for us!
I have been remembering the many Thanksgiving Community Services I have been a part of over the years. The unity we sensed and the anointing that I saw released on people from various different denominations and groups.
I have remembered the many New Years Eve services I have been involved in over 33 years of ministry. Again, I remember the fun, the fellowship, but most of all the power of God that was released into my life as I participated.
Once again, my heart cries out for the fire of God to fall! I'm grateful for the miracles, wonders and signs Pam and I have seen this year in our travels around the world. But I am hungry for the next Great Awakening. I am sick of the compromise. I am sick of seeing churches full of potential, wallow with infighting and apathy.
Oh Lord, send your fire!!!!!