New Hope Christian Fellowship

David Copeland July 17, 2008 9:42 pm

We begin revival meetings Friday night in St. Leonard, Maryland at New Hope Christian Fellowship with Pastor Larry Barnes. I spoke with him this week and he and the congregation feel like something is brewing in the Spirit for them this weekend! I really appreciate Pastor Barnes! He graciously allowed us to postpone our originally scheduled meetings we had for April due to the revival that broke out in Beauregard, Alabama just a few weeks ago. Not many pastors would have released us with the grace and excitement he did! May God pour out His Spirit on this town and his church!

Where there is an expectation and anticipation for GOD to have His way, He never lets us down! He may not do things the way we think He should…He definately doesn't always do the same thing twice in a row…but He always come through for His people!

I sincerely believe God is setting us up for the next Great Awakening! At least, that's what I'm praying for! And I'm asking the He begins it in me!