Mid Point 2011
In December last year the Lord spoke to me heart that 2011 was to be a year of contending for an open heaven. As we are now well past the midpoint of this year, where are we at?
Psalms 11:3 tell us if the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do? There will continue to be an all out assault on Christians, Christianity, the ministry and those who passionately believe Jesus is the only way to eternal life.
This assault will escalate even from within the Christian community, as people and preachers play the political correctness game to try to appease people and not offend. The offended spirit in people will continue to cause many to leave churches that are preaching truth and liberty from the Word of God to migrate to places where they can feel “comfortable”. But God is not interested in us being comfortable, He wants to change us!
The changes we see happening politically in the Middle East also signal God is removing dictatorial leadership from the church. God is tired of His sheep being beaten into submission. Even though persecution is increasing against God’s people, He is raising up loving shepherds who will bring healing to people who have been wounded and abused by strong armed, insecure leaders.
The Spirit is also releasing an anointing onto people to father the fatherless in a greater measure. This is not another multi-level marketing plan that will bring tithes into a man’s pocket; this is the raising up of fathers for a fatherless generation who need that father’s voice to speak to their destiny.
Most every male can make a baby unless something is physically or medically wrong. But only a father can speak to that child’s destiny.
It’s a father that will speak to a boy’s manhood and call him into his rightful place as the high priest of his home and family. But a father also speaks and affirms a girl’s destiny as well. Validating her and confirming her to be the woman of God she is called to be.
Yes, there are dark clouds on the horizon for America. But I believe the best is yet to come for the Church of Jesus Christ! We have too much Kingdom work to do. May we continue to contend for the open heaven. In spite of the negativity in the news, in the economy and in many families, Jesus will still be Lord and show Himself strong for those who let Him.