March Revival Now Newsletter
It is said that transition is passage from one place or stage to the next. Passage. Movement. Change.
It is such an honor to serve the Lord at this hour! While the only thing that is constant in this day in time is change itself, change is good and healthy for the child of God.
When we started this journey of itinerant ministry almost nine years ago, I never thought I would see some of the places I've traveled to, nor observe the miracles I've encountered. My limited vision simply had us traveling around the southern part of the US, maybe taking an occasional trip to Haiti or Guyana South America. Little did I know that God's plans would be bigger than mine and His plans would literally take us all around the world!
Over the last six months the Holy Spirit has been speaking to Pam and I about taking more trips to and being involved in a greater way in the work in Kenya. In December, the clarity became even greater with an invitation to join with two different Maasai Pastors Fellowship groups and Wild Olive Ministries to establish Bible Training for Maasai Pastors and leadership in Western Kenya. Eventually these Pastors Seminars will expand to include the entire Maasai region in Kenya as well as into Tanzania.
In February, Pam and I along with our partners of Wild Olive Ministries met with these Pastors Fellowship groups and established a plan of action as well as a curriculum that would be implemented over the course of the next two years. We had originally thought the training would begin next April 2011, but these men and women are so excited and ready to begin, the first session will begin this March 29 – April 9, 2010!
Eighty-five percent of the pastors in the Maasai region are not affiliated with any denomination and therefore have very limited access to training and materials. While Bible School may not make you a better preacher, it does give God more tools to work with. There is much false doctrine floating around the world, and pastors especially must know why we believe what we believe and know it is in the Word of God. Pam and I both know God has given us a Macedonian call to the Maasai pastors and their wives in Kenya! We are also going to be partnering with these men and women of God conducting crusades all across the Maasai land in Kenya. We will also continue to work at various intervals with the Amerindian pastors in Guyana South America.
I am very grateful for all the partners, pastors and churches who have caught the vision for crusade evangelism and pastors' training around the world that God has called us to. Many of you have supported us faithfully, some for the entire nine years we have been traveling. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the prayers and financial support you have given!
But now as we take this giant step of faith we need others to come aboard with us on this journey. Some of our partners asked us to list some ways people could become more involved in the ministry. Here are some ways you can pray about joining with us:
- We need people to increase the prayer covering over us, our health, our strength, our families as well as the people we will be reaching out to in Kenya and other parts of East Africa. There are also doors of opportunity before us to reach into Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda with the message of revival. But without prayer, it will all simply be more and more about less and less.
- We need people, pastors and churches and businesses to join with us financially on a regular basis. Or even consider opening the doors for us to come and share the miracles we are seeing happen both in Kenya and Guyana as well as across the US. All gifts to Revival Now Ministries are tax deductible.
- Maybe you have an automobile you could donate to the ministry to be sold and the monies taken and put into the ministry. We have a mechanic who is a faithful partner of ours who is willing to check out the car that is donated and sell it for the ministry. If you are interested in donating a car to be sold as a donation to the ministry email me at Ask about Donate-A-Car.
- You can donate Frequent Flyer Miles on Delta, Air Tran Airways, or British Airways to Revival Now Ministries. If you have points on American Express you would like to donate we can show you how to do that as well. Because we never charge a church or make any monetary demands to a local Body to minister to it, traveling has become very expensive in the last ten years. This would be an incredible blessing to the ministry.
- You can also donate Visa gift cards that can be used to buy paper, pens, ink cartridges, other office supplies, as well as food for use in our Pastors Seminars. We can give you tax credit for the face value of the gift card donated.
- Finally, you can designate a gift for mine and Pam's personal support. This is the area of greatest need right now. While we are being called by God to spend more and more time ministering in other countries, we do need a home to come back to here in the US. We are diligently working to eliminate the debt we have and continue to be committed to being good stewards of everything given to us personally as well as to the ministry.
- You can also join our child sponsorship program. $40.00 per month will support a child to attend the Maasai Christian Academic Center in Kilgoris with three hot meals a day, room, board, books uniforms and supplies. This may seem high to some. Other child sponsorship group's double and triple sponsor the children they advertise. This seems deceitful to me so we have chosen to tell you the entire cost per child for single sponsorship. For more information on our child sponsorship go to our website
Again thank you to everyone currently supporting Revival Now Ministries. Please know your giving is not taken for granted. We know you can sow your seed in many worthy ministries building the Kingdom of God today. We are grateful God has spoken to you to support what He has called us to do!
And to those whom God will speak to about joining us on this journey: we say welcome to the family of Revival Now Ministries!
The best is yet to come!
David & Pam