Maasai Kenya Update
Our recent Kenya trip was a tremendous blessing! The spiritual warfare surrounding this trip was unusual to say the least. A lost passport in London, lost luggage, attacks of infirmity against our bodies…
And over 100 people give their lives to Jesus!
That's worth it all!
We were so honored to be able to take part in the 7th Annual Christ Victors Maasai Convention. This is a pastors fellowship that brings together over 200 Maasai pastors across denominational lines from all across Kenya for 7 days of prayer, praise, preaching, repentance and seeking the face of God.
We joined a team from Pattison Texas and were also joined by approximately 8 other ministers during the week. The Convention was held outdoors in the village of Masurura, about 40 kilometers from the Maasai Mara Reserve.
Our ministry didn't begin until Wednesday afternoon. I ministered on The Covenant. At least 12 people gave their lives to Jesus, several of them young men who were visibly touched by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. We then ministered to the pastors in attendance and the power of God fell on them in a great way.
Pastor Brad Morgan preached a powerful message on Thursday afternoon that set many free and again Friday he ministered a powerful word on the purpose of giving. Lynne Johnson ministered in the morning session of the reason we must endure from Hebrews 12.
Saturday after a time of repentance from the bloodshed that had taken place in the preceding generations on that particular land, the assembly held a prayer walk around the school grounds we were meeting at. 2500 Maasai people singing and praising and dancing seven times around a five acre field is a powerful site to see!
As the prayer walk ended I took the text and ministered from 1 Kings 18 on Mindsets That Must Be Destroyed. The Maasai people are one of the forgotten people groups in the 10/40 Window. Because they are the smallest tribe in Kenya, they suffer the brunt of abuse from both the political system as well as from other clans and tribes in the country. The victim, wilderness and poverty mentality hold many in bondage; But God set many captives free!
God has not forgotten about the Maasai people! Just like God has not forgotten about you! At the altar call over 60 people responded to give their lives to Jesus and literally hundreds of others flooded the altar, removing idols, renouncing witchcraft, repenting of sins and confessing Jesus Christ is Lord over the land.
Sunday ended the convention with over 20 more giving their lives to Jesus for the first time and again the altar filled with hungry hearts crying out fro God to move across the land.
For the last several weeks before we traveled to Kenya, Pam and I both had been sensing from the Lord that we somehow needed to spend more time in Kenya in the coming years. We don't feel God is calling us to live there full time, but to take more trips conducting crusades, pastors seminars and village ministry such as we have been doing in Guyana for the last 8 years.
On Sunday we were approached but a couple of pastors telling us that 85 percent of the Maasai pastors do not have adequate training, nor a denomination to give them that training. Many are not connected to any denominational structure. Some of these pastors were saved by a dramatic encounter with the Lord, and immediately began winning people to Jesus. Because they won these people to Jesus, they, by process of elimination have become pastors to these flocks of people! One man told me you are not called to the ministry that way; but someone forgot to tell God He doesn't know how to run His business!
Over the next several weeks we are designing a plan that God has already birthed in our hearts to conduct regular Pastors Seminars to these 85 percent of the pastors who have no one speaking into their lives. Please pray with us that God will continue to guide us and supply the funds needed to minister to these men and women of God who are truly on the front lines of battle. If we can help encourage and equip just one pastor, an entire village can possibly be delivered from witchcraft and superstition be lead into the glorious light of the Lord!
Thank you to all our friends and partners who gave, who prayed and who support in other ways our outreaches to Kenya. We are so grateful to be your hands and feet to a forgotten people group that God has not forgotten about!
It is time for Maasai!