Lolgorian Kenya Conference Update
Our first few days in Kenya have been an absolute blur!
We arrived late Wednesday night and after a couple of hours sleep we traveled to Kilgoris to begin our short ministry time here. I said short because after being here five weeks from July-August, 12 days is short!
For the fourth year in a row we participated in the Jesus Victors Association Annual December Conference. The name has changed several times, but the unity in this pastors fellowship is unlike anything I have ever seen. I have been to many different countries in the world, but never have I seen the unity like I have in this region.
In Kenya, outdoor conferences and crusades literally draw thousands of people. It amazes me how people will gather for days on end, sit in the hot sun, and listen to preacher after preacher from morning till after dark. The hunger and thirst for the Word of God also draws the anointing in a tangible way!
Friday, Dave Johnson ministered on breaking the evil spirits out of our lives and many were set free from various problems and ailments. You could feel the tangible anointing for healing flow through he congregation. On man who had suffered a stroke and couldn't walk, was walking at the end of the service and told us the next day of his healing! To God be the Glory!
Friday I ministered on Contending For Unity and Brotherly Love. I will be writing and preaching over the next several weeks when I get back to the States on several thing I feel like the Lord is telling me to contend for in 2011. I ministered especially on loosing those who had offended us. The Holy Spirit broke many, and a great release came to the 1500 gathered in Lolgorian.
Saturday and Sunday were literally off the chain! Saturday was a day of fasting and repentance, specifically in breaking the spirit of witchcraft and superstition that has bound the people in this region.
Sunday we saw almost two thousand people respond to the altar cal for fresh oil to be poured onto their lives. Many received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Just from our sessions alone we saw almost 100 people give their lives to Jesus in just three days.
Monday has been an off day from ministry, but a day full of strategy and planning for meetings all the way into December of 2011. God is on the move! We are honored He has chosen us to be a part of the end time harvest both in Kenya as well as many of the nations of the world! Your giving to Revival Now Ministries is vital at this hour! God is positioning us and pushing us forward with the message of repentance, restoration and revival!
Revival Now Ministries could probably have a lot more partners if I would resort to high pressure fund raising and manipulation tactics. David Wilkerson through his writings taught me many years ago that if God cannot speak to people's hearts to give, you end up prostituting the anointing and calling of God.
We will continue to trust that God is speaking to people to become partners of this ministry. We continue to believe God is speaking to pastors to open their pulpits to us to preach and share the vision of revival in the nations of the world. We will continue to believe God is speaking to professional businessmen and business women to sow into the work God has called us to do.
Thank you for your obedience and participation in and with the calling of God on our lives!