Letter To The Friends of Revival Now Ministries
Dear Friends of Revival Now Ministries,
Please forgive me for the intrusion, it's been a long time, and I've had several (and I mean several) computer crashes since the last time you heard from me. I have completely had to rebuild my email database from scratch, so I thought if I went to all that trouble, I might as well write you!
I just returned from the funeral home visiting the family of a young man who used to attend our church in Lanett that was killed in a car accident this week. He was a young man in his early 40's and leaves behind a wife and two children. he was a man that loved Jesus and his family with all his heart. I was reminded again at how sacred, precious and fragile life is, and that it can be taken from us instantly…and without any warning.
I guess that got me thinking about how thankful I am that each one of you are in my life. Each one of you who will receive this email has made a dramatic impact on my life and ministry. Some of you I have talked to by phone this week. Others I haven't spoken to you in a good while. But I do not forget you. I pray for you. I am believing that this is OUR TIME to shine the Gospel to the four corners of the globe!
Thank you to those of you who pray for us; it is needed even more at this critical hour. Thank you to those of you who support us financially. These are strained times for many, and I know the seeds you sow in this ministry for some are very sacrificial; but God has seen your seed and I have planted it in good soil. So I know it WILL produce a great harvest back to you! To everyone who cannot support us at this time, you are still our friends and I pray God blesses you in a way in which you can find a place to sow your seed that is good soil; because the time for harvesting has come!
To every pastor who receives this email I want to thank you for trusting us to stand in your pulpit and preach to your congregation the Everlasting Gospel! I hope I have never embarrassed you, nor misused the privilege of standing in the pulpit God has given you to protect. I pray that God will blessed above measure the seeds of the Gospel that have been planted there and that God will strengthen you to both reap and to keep the harvest in your city!
To those of you who will receive this email in another country, I want you to know Pam and I are praying for you and we look forward to the time in which we can get back there and share the Gospel with you and your village again.
No I have not sinned. I am not dying of some disease. And no, I am certainly not quitting.
After seeing my friend Bud King go to meet Jesus, I just had to let you all know I love you all and appreciate you being in my life. And if something should happen to me in an accident or something else, know this: I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course and I have kept the faith. Therefore there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness, which the Lord Jesus will give to everyone who loves Him.
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I Love You All! And have a blessed weekend!
David Copeland
Revival Now Ministries
P.O. Box 1076
Lanett, Alabama 36863