Lee Grady’s Article on the Tragedy of Greasy Grace
Lee Grady, the Editor of Charisma Magazine has written a spot on article dealing with Todd Bentley, Lakeland and Todd's new wife. If you haven't read it you can by clicking here: http://charismamag.com/index.php/fire-in-my-bones/20005-the-tragic-scandal-of-greasy-grace
I try to stay away from too much lighting rod discussions and focus more on seeing revival come to America. But I have to speak out on this subject becasue it is one very close to my heart. My marriage and ministry is a result of the restoration power of God!
I don't want to air the whole story here, but in 1985 both me and my wife fell into sin; backslid on God and both committed adultery. But because of the grace of God and the prayers of the saints of God our marriage was restored, our family was restored..and after a period of setting on the pew and studying the Word and repenting in earnest in an altar of prayer (both in church and in the privacy of my home) and submitting to Godly authority, God restored my ministry. And all three have been greatly blessed since then!
I know I'm going to be attacked here but hear me out: GOD IS MORE INTERESTED IN OUR CHARACTER THAN HE IS OUR MINISTRY STATUS! I believe in the grace of God! But something has to change in the Pentecostal and Charismatic circles or God is going to send the most severest of judgements upon us!
God doesn't restore some marriages because one or both parties do not want it to be restored!
I pray for Todd that God does restore him to truth and Biblical Holiness.
But my heart breaks for his ex-wife Shonnah and his three kids who are left behind to pick up the pieces of their family and the ministry in Canada while dad does his "thing".
Oh Father, please forgive us for our lack of discernment, our lack of discerning of spirits and our unwillingness to stand against unscrupulous practices by leaders in our churches!
Father please send us a genuine souls searching and heart saving revival….soon!!!!!