Kilgoris Pastors Training Week Two

David Copeland August 9, 2011 2:17 pm

For the last two days the Holy Spirit has hovered like a cloud over our Pastors Training Sessions in Kilgoris.

I am continuing to teach (and preach) from 1 Corinthians 13 and we are focusing on Paul definition of Agape; the God kind of Love.

My definition of Agape is the empowering God kind of Love. You are not born with it. You cannot develop it apart from the Holy Spirit. We do receive the full capacity for it at salvation, and I am convinced it is increased with the Holy Spirit Baptism.

Agape is also something you have to decide to walk in. Do I always walk in it? No. I wish I could say I did. But the longer I live for God the more determined I am to not walk according to the course of this world, but let the Living Word of God be the only Authority in my life.

Today as we focused on the favor of God, the Power of God began to minister to the men and women in attendance. As I stated yesterday in my Facebook post, I never thought all the pain and turmoil I faced as a pastor so many years ago was doing anything but trying to destroy me. Now I know it was God schooling, preparing me for the day in which I could speak to Pastors, and through my struggles, bring healing to them.

I would have chosen a different path. But I didn’t get a vote. And neither do you.

The pain you are experiencing today, may be the very thing God uses to bring promotion to you tomorrow.

Two and one half days are left for this session then off to Nairobi to meet the rest of our team that will be arriving on Friday night from Alabama. Next week, our giant Youth Conference and Crusade.

By August 29th, I will be ready for a vacation.

Thank you for your continued prayers and financial support. You giving is helping us make a difference here in Kilgoris Kenya.
