Kenya Update 7 And A New Beginning
Our 6th Annual Pastors and Wives Conference in Kilgoris Kenya ended today with the tears flowing like a river. Many pastors and their wives were greatly ministered to by the Holy Spirit during the last three days. I am so thankful God has opened the door for us to partner with these precious people! As I stated on a Facebook post, when the pastor and his/her family can be encouraged, it's always a good thing!
Each August since 1982, God has done something significant in my heart, life and ministry. The number eight in Scripture is the number of a new beginning. And this August God did not disappoint me!
While I have missed my family so much, I am also going to miss Kenya and the Maasai pastors and churches we have gotten deeper involved with. I am thankful for the over 500 people who have given their lives to Jesus over the past month. I am thankful for the hundreds who have been baptized in the Holy Spirit in the past month. I am thankful for the thousands, yes the thousands who have responded to the altar calls during the crusades and conventions we have been a part of in the last month. I am thankful for the forty-six pastors who completed the second series of training sessions we are a part of in Kilgoris. And am I thankful for the fresh anointing I feel has been deposited in my life during this month of new beginnings. And I am very thankful to God for the hunger and thirst I have seen demonstrated in people's lives during the last month!
It really has been a month of new beginnings for me! While I am kind of sad to leave, I can leave knowing I'll be back in three months. And we'll do it all over again! Taking part in the 9th Annual Transmara Convention; and taking part in our third session of the Maasai Vocational Training Center.
I'm very excited to be able to spend the next few days with my wife and family! I am very thankful for their prayers, support and understanding of the call of God that is on our lives during this season.
And thank you for your prayers and support of Revival Now Ministries world wide outreach!
We have some dates available for ministry this Fall and in 2011. We would love the opportunity to come share revival, or simply tell about what God is doing in the Maasailand of Kenya. Send me an email to david at
Asante' Sana from Kenya!