Kenya Update 6 and Revival

David Copeland August 25, 2010 9:07 am

It has truly been an incredible month for us in Kenya! The last couple of days we have had the opportunity to rest for the first time since we arrived here on July 28th. We have also had the opportunity to play soccer two days with the boys from the Maasai Christian Academy. I have realized I'm too old; plus the fact we are at 6,000 feet above sea level, I think I also need oxygen!

On Thursday of last week something very distinct happened in the Spirit realm. As I ministered at the IMU Nairobi Maasai Convention, I was thinking to myself, this is really not connecting… When I gave the altar call over 800 people came running to the altar; and the cry of intercession for the Glory of God to come down sounded like a freight train passing by!

Friday back at the Narok Conference it was the same. Saturday at the Nairobi Convention it happened again between 800-1,000 people came running to the altar crying out to Jesus! Sunday we completed the Narok convention as once again many hundreds of people came running to the altar to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. To God Be The Glory!!!!!

Since we have been in Kenya revival has broken out at Church of His Presence in Daphne. This church is led by Pastor John Kilpatrick who oversaw the Brownsville Revival. I have been saying for several years, God wanted Alabama to lead the way in the coming revival. And now it is happening!

But revival has also broken out in Austin Texas, Kansas City Missouri, Dayton Tennessee, and a couple of places in New England from what I can gather. But note: this move of God and the coming move of the Spirit will not be for one church or one city or one state or one denominational group! This move of the Spirit will be to help us in reaping the Harvest!

The time is now! No more crazy antics; no more manipulation! No more stupid preacher tricks! Give us the uncompromised Word of God and the genuine Power of the Holy Spirit will come!

And it shall come to pass in the last days says God I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh….