Kenya In Review
Kenya In Review
As we end 2008 and blaze into 2009, Pam and I were happy to be able to join a team from New Life Beginnings Church in Pattison Texas for a 16 day ministry trip to Kenya East Africa.
This was my 6th trip to Kenya and my 2nd this year. December 3-7 we ministered in Sabatia with Pastor Paul Ligono and Serve Ministries International. Because of flight delays, Pam and I were a day late arriving into Nairobi so the convention was already started by the time we arrived. Pastor Brad Morgan kicked off the convention and the Holy Spirit moved mightily revealing what was to come.
Services lasted from 9am till way into the night each day. The hunger and thirst for God and His Word was at a high level and by Friday afternoon, something shifted dramatically and there was a major breakthrough in the afternoon session! The Holy Spirit sovereignty began moving on people and people began to dance and shout praises to God for almost an hour! Many reported to me of healings taking place in their bodies and being filled with the Holy Spirit. This breakthrough came after two days of repentance and dealing with the major spirits that had been hindering the region.
On Saturday we had the opportunity to meet and visit with the deputy Minister of Education for the nation of Kenya as well as the CEO of s new start up airline called Air Link. The CEO and the Deputy Minister are very dedicated Christian men with a tremendous heart to bring the Kenyan people out of poverty and sin and into right relationship with God.
Saturday night's anointing service was off the map in terms of anointing. I wish I had pictures to show, but there were so many people to minister to and being ministered to, there was no time for pictures.
After two days of rest we traveled to Kilgoris, mine and Pam's second home, for a week long Convention with the Masai people we have completely fell in love with! The Masai tribe is considered by some to be one of the forgotten people groups on the African continent. In 2004 when we first traveled to Kilgoris, we were told we were the first American mission team that had ever been in that area. That was hard for us to believe, but the people showered us with such love and respect, it immediately connected our hearts with them. I know God is going to continue to do a supernatural work among the Masai people in the years to come!
We began our ministry time on Wednesday afternoon, and already approximately over 1,000 people had already registered for the convention. Pastor Brad began to minister from 1 Kings 18, calling for the rain to fall. While he was calling for the spiritual rain, behind him the blackest cloud I've seen in a while was forming. Because the meetings were being held outside, the rest of the days meetings were washed out.
Thursday God gave me a message on the "Reason for the Rain". And the rains came again! This is so significant because the area is not supposed to be having rain during this time of the year. And if they do, they are called the short rains, due to the fact they don't last long and they are not as intense. Everyone present knew God was speaking to us about the fact that He has not forgotten His people! He is sending the rain of the Holy Spirit to confirm His inheritance that is weary!
They forbid me or Brad to preach on the rain the rest of the convention!
Friday night many were filled with the Holy Spirit, and many others gave their lives to Jesus! What blessed me the most was the fact that many of these people who surrendered their lives to Christ were older Masai men and women! Statistics in every nation show if a person does not give their life to Jesus (now before 12 years) at a young age, chances are they never will. But God still saves old people! Well over 125 people gave their lives to Jesus during the convention!
On Sunday was the anointing service in which we anointed with oil almost the entire crowd of over 6,000 people. While over 35 people gave their life to Jesus on Sunday many others received deliverances from cigarettes and liquor. Several bottles of home made liquor were poured out and burned as a sign to the devil a new day had arisen in the Masai Land of Kenya.
While Kenya has been in the news the last year due to the political unrest from last year's elections and also for being the home of Barack Obama's father, there is something else happening in Kenya; there is a move of the Holy Ghost coming through Kenya that will touch every part of the African continent, and then touch the nations of the world!
There are some powerful preachers of the Gospel in Kenya, many of them you've never heard from…and some you never will! But they are faithfully serving God, healing the sick, and even raising the dead! In the days to come I truly believe we are going to see a cloud arise from the African continent from the direction of Kenya. It's not going to be a cloud of dust, or a cloud of turmoil or unrest; it will be a cloud of God's Glory!
What blessed me the most was the unity we saw demonstrated among the pastors, the elders as well as the churches of the Masai nation! Over 55 pastors and over 200 churches came together for a week of worship, the Word, and fellowship. Almost ever denomination you can think of was represented in the convention. It was not some sickly, compromised unity that so often ends up destroying the integrity of the Gospel; it was a unity born of the Spirit of God. It was truly a John 17 moment, which by the way was the theme of the convention. If it can happen in Kenya, I believe it can happen here!
Thanks you to everyone who sowed a special seed for the December Kenya trip. We were not only able to help feed 1500 in the 1st convention, 6,000 in the second convention; we were also able to use some funds to finish the drilling of a well at the Masai Christina Academy in Kilgoris. And thank you to our Revival Now Prayer team who prayed for us without ceasing while we were away! Because of all of you, He works through us!