Just Some Thoughts…
As we race toward Christmas Day, it really seems like we just had this celebration last week. They say time flies when you are having fun. And I can honestly say, I am having the time of my life!
As we celebrate Christmas this week, I want to add some of my thoughts from recent days…
The trip home from Kenya was really anti-climactic. Unless you add the fact I picked up food poison on the plane and got to worship that porcelain thing in the bathroom.
I'm glad I have recovered rather quickly from jet lag and all the head spinning that goes long with crossing time zones.
I am overwhelmed by The Father by His great love He has for me. I don't understand it. I can't explain it. (I now have Kirk Franklin's Shout in my head now…) All I know is I'm grateful He chose me!
I'm glad He's not a baby in a stable in Bethlehem anymore. He is no longer hanging on a cross on a hill; nor is He in a grave outside Jerusalem. I want to be the first to tell you and not wait till Easter to let you in on the news: HE IS RISEN!!! HE IS ALIVE!!!!
Once again I have felt a shift in the Spirit. I know 2011 is going to be greater than 2010. And 2010 was a great year!
2011 is going to be a year in which God is calling us to contended for an open heaven. We have heard messages on the open heaven. I have personally preached about five different messages on the subject. But's it's time to contend for the full benefits of an open heaven. It's not enough to talk about it, preach about it, sing about it…it's time to walk in it.
I'm amazed at the favor of God. Everything I have and every open door we have received is because of favor. Favor with God. Favor with man. I am determined to recognize this little recognized blessing of God and seek more of it. It's not what you know, it's who you know.
I am enjoying some much needed time off for the Holidays. God has been very good to us this year. I am thankful for all the salvations, healings and miracles and open doors we have seen in 2010. Looking for a marked increase in the anointing for the coming year.
I am so thankful God has called us to do what we do. Here in the U.S, in Kenya, and in the nations of the world. I cannot tell you the joy it is to pour yourself into people who really want your ministry. In spite of language barriers and being away from family, my life is richer becuase of God's open doors to the nations. I'm already praying for April to get here in a hurry!
Once again, I have crashed my Mac Book Pro. I have been told this is not supposed to happen. But it has happened to me. Twice. So I get the joy of shopping for David. To David. From David. Love David.
Hello Best Buy.
Thanks to all of you who read this blog. I would love to hear from you, just to let me know this is worth the effort. Not fishing for compliments, just looking to streamline and steward my time and energy. Hit me at david at revivalnow.org
Merry Christmas!