Jealousy: There’s Not Enough For Me

David Copeland June 3, 2011 9:54 am

Jealousy. One of the ugliest internal struggles people face. One of the biggest obstacles to maturity I have seen in my years of living for God.

I recently found a powerful definition of jealousy: it means there is not enough for me!

When you see someone get blessed, what emotion do you feel? Joy? Excitement? Or jealousy?

What do you fell when you see another church experience revival? Or another ministry receives a large donation to pay off a building and do the work of the ministry?

When we allow jealousy over someone else’s blessing into our hearts, what we are telling God is, there’s not enough blessing for me! God is still the God of more than enough!

In the New Testament, two disciples became jealous when Jesus walked through a town and the town didn’t receive them. They asked Jesus could they call fire down from heaven on the town…. jealousy.

Korah and his friends in the Old Testament told Moses he was taking too much responsibility on himself; let us help you…you’re just trying to make a name for yourself! Jealousy provided them with a long-term residence in a hole with tons of dirt piled on them and all their family members.

I have seen major ministry collapse because of jealousy. I have witnessed families destroyed when a spirit of jealousy enters one of the spouses. I saw it this very week with a couple in Nicaragua.

Ask God to help you get excited over someone else being blessed. A major key to your breakthrough today is rejoicing over another man’s blessing and success!

Don’t let the spirit of jealousy tell you there’s not enough for you: God has more than enough for you, your family, your ministry, and for the whole world!

Let the fire fall!!!!